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[All Platforms] Customize Start Screen

This is not a new idea, but I haven't found any practical reply to it, so I think it needs to be repeated. I completely agree with Rennestein (screen capture below), we need to stop seeing irrelevant suggestions because it is annoying. Why can't it be possible to decide what we first see when we open Spotify on any device? (playlists, recently played, artists we're following, etc), and enjoy better our Spotify experience?
Please Spotify, let us have the home screen as we'd like. :)) Thank you!
SPOTIFY customize screen.JPG

Updated on 2023-02-23

Hey folks,

We appreciate you sharing your feedback on the Community and showing your support to this idea.
We're setting this idea to 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.
Update from the 23rd of Feb 2023:
A new feature was recently introduced in the mobile app which you may find interesting as it allows users to remove content recommendations from the subfeeds (Music and Podcasts & Shows) of their Home screen, thus expanding upon the current customization options and offering a improved, more personalized experience. You can find more info about it in the Status update here.

The "good morning / afternoon / evening" tab is probably the least personal section of my Spotify account. The content selected has absolutely nothing to do with my music preferences. As such, it doesn't belong on the front of my home screen.


I fully support the customisation of the home screen tabs.


Spotify needs to get more attention on the people if you still want to stay on top of the game,


there are tons of competitors out there and they are almost as good as you guys, 


so little things like what we requested will keep your business solid and will make us happy.



Yeah, those stupid podcasts just sit there on the homepage and I can't remove them, like I don't want to see a podcast about how to improve your **bleep** life or why is it bad to kill someone.


I got the same exact problem. A few months ago this random ass podcast called the "Monster Mate Podcast" showed up on my homescreen and has been there for several months. according to the description its pretty much just 2 dudes talking about what it would be like to have s*x with these "monster girls". I have never watched anything related to this so I dont know why its on my screen every time I open the app but its really **bleep**ing annoying and I can't get it to go away.


Have you ever been frustrated as you open Spotify, and on the home page, smack dab right in your face, is some annoying show/song that you listened to once?


The idea that we users can't edit the home screen, or at least delete some song that we don't like is absolutely nuts.  I love Spotify and have been using it for quite a long time, but sometimes the functionality of the app isn't the best. Many times I have listened to a song/show for like 2 seconds, and now forever, it's engrained into the home screen. The songs/albums I listen to on a daily basis somehow, don't show up. 


Please Spotify, this is what's causing some users to leave Spotify and switch to other music streaming softwares. I am well aware that this idea has been mentioned many times. And every single time Spotify goes, "Just vote on the idea and if it's popular enough, we might add it!" No. Please, please Spotify, just add some way to customize our home screens to our liking and not have random **bleep** be recommended. 

Thank you, and please add a vote if you agree,  BirbBrain


YEARS later, There is still no option for removing an item from the Home menu. I HATE THIS SO MUCH I'm considering finally switching to YouTube music after years of paid membership at Spotify.


I just want to be able to remove unnecessary options. I'd like to be able to see my albums before my audiobooks, but the audiobook filter option is both large and... I think third in order. This seems like unintuitive UI/UX design, because it puts music sorting (the thing I tend to use Spotify for) behind an additional several gestures now that audiobooks have been added. You feel me? Just let me reorder the filters or have an albums tab or something like that.



oh my god please just add this feature. as someone going into application development/software engineering, we all know this is not a difficult feature to add in a new update. the amount of comments showing that minors have been recommended s*xually explicit content has gotta be proof of a legal or safety issue too, right? i listened to an episode of a "show" once and now it keeps popping up on my home feed. it's annoying because hey, spotify devs, you guys do realize you're gonna get a whole lot more money if people get recommended shows they'll like, right? i don't think you'll be bringing any more money in by driving away users and never offering solutions. anyways yeah, reading through this thread was entirely ridiculous, yall gotta get your act together.


Not going to lie, I looked up some things I don't want my wife, friends, and kids to know I looked at. I realize now that there is a private browsing option, but, too late. Now every time I open Spotify (on my computer, in my car, etc.) anyone nearby is greeted with some things I really don't want them to see. Why in the world can't I remove these items from "Your shows", "Recently played", and the "Good morning" section?  


pls spotify make this, your homescreen is such a bad joke and insulting to your paying users