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[All Platforms][Other] Romanized Lyrics for Songs Not In Latin Alphabet

Recently, Spotify (at least in my iOS app) has added a very helpful feature which is lyrics. It finally collaborated with Musixmatch (thanks God why haven't you done this sooner).


Problem is, I am an Indonesian listener who is familiar with Latin alphabet. I loved many Asian songs, which we know, are not written in language using those Latin alphabets, namely K-Pop, J-Pop, or you name it. Those songs' lyrics are still shown in their original alphabet (K-Pop in hangeul, J-Pop in kanji and hiragana, etc). Usually, foreign listeners are able to sing-a-long by looking at the romanization version.


Now I know that Musixmatch indeed does not have that romanization lyrics, but Genius does and I know Spotify has partnership too with Genius, I guess? So, why not give a choice for listeners to choose between Genius or Musixmatch?



1. We want romanized lyrics to Asian songs or any songs not using Latin alphabet

2. Give options for Spotify listeners to choose which version to show

3. If Spotify can no longer show Genius' service, push Musixmatch so that they make romanized lyrics available.



Global Spotify member.


A comment below notified me that Musixmatch has provided options for translations and indeed they are now shown in Spotity. I see this as a nice improvement! However, what we wanted is a romanized version of the original language so we can do sing-along 😞 Please make this happen! 


Updated on 2025-03-01

Thank you for sharing your feedback with the Spotify Ideas Exchange.

Your suggestion has been marked as a Live Idea and will be reviewed by the Spotify staff once it receives enough votes. We appreciate your contribution and look forward to your continued support of this idea!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


I have no trouble with Korean as I can read the alphabet perfectly but when it comes to Japanese and Chinese it's harder for me, it would be very good that you could choose either the native alphabet or romanization lyrics.


exellent idea 100% agree!

Status changed to: Case Closed

Updated on 2022-01-21

Hey! Thanks for coming to the Spotify Idea Exchange.
We've been keeping an eye on this submission for an extended period of time, and it doesn't seem this will reach the votes necessary to put it forward for prioritization.
As such, we're marking this case as closed. This includes any similar suggestions that are received.

If we do have any new information to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.

More information about it can be found here.

Thanks for your comprehension! 


I want to tell you that i always play my favourite song in spotify, but sometimes when i want to sing the song that from ex. South Korea and Japan i cant sing because the song isnt use the latin script that i can understand. So i want to make a suggest. Can spotify make a latin script for korean or japanese song that use different letters. Thank you for your attention.. 


Lyrics is a great feature but if the song is in foreign language it makes it hard to read forget about understanding it.


if the script can be in English, it at least helps the listeners hum the phonetics and enjoy the song while is being played 


please make the lyrics script in English 


I've really enjoyed the lyrics feature on Spotify. Have always been the way I learn languages and how I draw an intimate connection with songs within and beyond my culture. 

Before this feature was introduced, I already am a regular user of Musixmatch and wanted to request their full feature of incorporating lyrics of non-English songs in Roman characters and with translation as below perhaps as an option for further accessibility : 

Even if you don't say anything, when I look into your eyes
아무 말 하지 않아도 그대 눈빛을 보면
amu mal haji anh-ado geudae nunbich-eul bomyeon



Musixmatch: Furigana and Romaji (Reading aids) for Japanese songs

Songs with Japanese lyrics have Kanji, Katakana and Hiragana in the lyrics in Musixmatch. This isn't a problem for japanese speakers, but causes problems for Japanese learners or who don't know any japanese. Adding Furigana and Romaji would be a massive addition, because people like me aren't able to sing along to songs due to this barrier. The reason why Kanji is a problem for some is that Kanji is not a phonetic alphabet, but represents an idea or a part of a word, and its reading often varies when it is part of one word.


What is Furigana?

Furigana is a reading aid that shows the reading for Kanji in Hiragana, usually above the kanji when writing it left to right or next to the kanji when reading it from top to bottom.  Example:

Furigana Example


What is Romaji?

Romaji is a reading aid, which shows the reading of Kanji, Katakana and Hiragana in roman characters.

Example: 私がリンゴふ食べました。This sentence in Romaji would be: Watashi ga ringo o tabemashita.  A non japanese speaker would now be able to read this sentence without problems.


I need sing along for my favourite anime song


Been wanting this feature for the longest time. It would be great if I can sing along to a Korean/Japanese songs just by using the app and not open a website for the lyrics.


We just got to 500 votes. I hope it can be put forward now.