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[Mobile] Lyrics on Mobile

Hi there!


It would be nice if i could see the lyrics at the same time or the least have some sort of access to it.Smiley Happy

Updated on 2021-11-18

Hey folks,


Thanks for your feedback on the Lyrics feature. We’ve heard you and we’re happy to announce Lyrics are here!


You can find Lyrics on Free and Premium for users across iOS and Android devices, desktop, gaming consoles, and TV.

To learn more about the roll out and how to access lyrics, view this announcement.



Status changed to: Implemented

Updated on 2021-11-18

Hey folks,


Thanks for your feedback on the Lyrics feature. We’ve heard you and we’re happy to announce Lyrics are here!


You can find Lyrics on Free and Premium for users across iOS and Android devices, desktop, gaming consoles, and TV.

To learn more about the roll out and how to access lyrics, view this announcement.



Best birthday present ever thankyou thankyou
Still nothing for me. I contacted spotify support yesterday and they told the same thing they have been telling me for a year now. That this feature is being implemented gradually, so it might be possible that it takes some time for me to have it.

Such a shame

Hi There,


I'm having  problems with the lyric system which was introduced 11/18, that in my account it dosen't have the feature of the lyrics, and when I log in a different account it appears but in mine don't.




I'm having problems with the lyric system which was introduced 11/18, that in my account it dosen't have the feature of the lyrics, and when I log in a different account it appears but in mine don't.

Same here, I was going crazy why it works in all the other phones of my family, but not in my phone.


After I read your message, I tried in my phone with another account and it shows the lyrics, just my account doesn't.


Is not that sad?


Opened a support case "Lyrics don't appear in my account - same phone, different account it works"


Total waste of time, really useless, 3 hours of:

- try with this test account

- try in a different phone

- delete storage and cache, uninstall, turn off phone for some minutes, reinstall

- try logout login 2 times

- "Are you able to see this feature on your account before?"    (really?)


Terrible support experience, not recommended, 9 emails from different accounts:

Bianca, Jeffrey, Carlo, Janelle, Daniella, Andrei, Luisa, Edwin and Margarita


At the end, just a lame excuse "Lyrics is a very new feature that we have ... you might see something on the app your friend doesn’t"


It's incredible, I opened an account with a disposable email and with this "free" account I can see the lyrics, but not with my premium account.


It will be a hassle, but I'm thinking to open a new account, subscribe to family, and move my whole family to this new premium.


Yesterday I created a new account to check if I would have the lyrics working on it and I did, but still nothing when I got back to my original account. I got the exact same support and excuses as carlos did.

Thought the same thing, "f*ck this, I'm just going to move everything to that new account". But as soon as I got back to the new account, guess what? NO MORE LYRICS.

I mean, REALLY?


hi there i'm on the latest version of spotify and the lyrics still won't show up fpr me


It works for iPhone but I cannot get the lyrics to scroll on the desktop…anyone out there successful ?

my lyrics doesnt show up, im from indonesia and my device is samsung a50, hope can get any good ideas for fixing it