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[Mobile] [Other] Smart Shuffle toggle setting in settings menu

Smart shuffle is a fun way to discover new songs, but it comes at a cost. Want to reshuffle your queue? Bam, wait a few seconds longer. Want to unshuffle your playlist? Bam, no longer works, and goes to a completely random place in the playlist.


To me this is an unwanted complication, and I'd much rather be able to choose in the settings menu whether I want to enable the Smart Shuffle feature, or disable it.

Updated on 2025-03-03

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You have become the enemy of both music creators and music consumers. Nice job, Spotify!


On top of that, Spotify has essentially become the corporate version of the annoying dude who bumps music loudly at an intersection, assuming falsely that everyone else wants to listen to what he's listening to (hint: we don't)! Given a choice, I'm fairly certain most humans have always wanted control over what sound waves enter their ears. Even if you're adding/playing music that 💯 appeals to me, you are taking away my CHOICE, and that will NEVER be okay.


And yes, it's been nothing but silence from Spotify since I cancelled. After cancelling several days ago, today is my last official day before I revert to a free membership. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it, strangely. It might be a better experience than s*art shuffle, if that feature is reserved only for paying customers. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I have 5 credits for audiobooks through Audible, so I'll just be giving up listening to music for a while. It's ridiculous that it's come to this.


You hear that, Spotify???


This Music Lover is going to STOP LISTENING TO MUSIC as my primary form of entertainment during my "1-hour each way" commute because of your moronic decision to force unwanted tracks down the throats of paying customers!


I'll give it a month at most, then I'm jumping ship permanently to another service, like Amazon or Apple Music. Because I really do love music to my absolute core! I just hate it when it's forced down my throat.


Spotify's failed experiment of "smart" shuffle needs to go, it's as simple as that. Stop trying to redefine shuffle, and give us back the user experience we started paying for in the first place.


This is my final comment on this matter until Spotify comes to its senses. Adios, my fellow audiophiles.


Having forgotten to unclick it before they started drilling, I was subjected to Random**bleep** Radio (RBR) through *ORAL SURGERY*. Thanks for the decade+, but I'm finally looking for another streaming service. I don’t know how much Spotify is getting paid to push this music, but I hope it's a lot.


Dear Spotify: you seem hellbent to keep this ridiculous feature, so here's a productive suggestion: put it in/at/near the Discover Music area/s. Whatever you do, DO NOT put it into personal playlists, and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES - put it inside of personal playlists as the default ON state. That I have to force my way through your musical effluent/UX, inside of MY personally curated playlists is contemptuous.


Please dear god let me shuffle my downloaded playlists without having my device chug for a solid seven seconds while trying to sort through the entirety of the music on your platform to see what's relevant to me -- and then another seven seconds while I tell it to throw away all of its hard work. If I wanted to listen to a plussed up version of my playlist I would go to the suggestions at the bottom, or the radio station feature !


I have my playlists predownloaded to play in the car with family or coworkers. I set it for non explicit songs anyone can like. I keep getting smart shuffled enabled by default and explicit songs keep playing out of nowhere. Its super awkward when $uicide boy$ starts playing after Katy Perry. Let me permanently disable this feature.


Long overdue - getting more and more annoying 

that this is attached to the normal shuffle button is insane, Spotify either lacks any UAT, or decided to ignore it cause of lazy/cheap dev

to have absolutely no way to go from between normal/shuffle without enabling this is madness, and it seems to turn itself back on seemingly out of nowhere 


5 years ago between selecting a block of songs with shuffle off, or selecting a playlist with shuffle on, I could expect what songs will be next. The majority of times now I end up with a completely random song playing, then I realise it’s enabled again, sometimes after explicitly turning it off 


it also ruins offline/downloads - if I have no/bad internet it tries to get recommendations or play undownloaded songs, shockingly it doesn’t work and playback stops 


I’m sure Spotify execs have big smiles on their faces after their results this Q, but growth from price increases and testing your users resolve to leave their music/playlists, is not sustainable and the product is suffering 



Please get rid of Smart Shuffle - I don't care what you think I'd like to listen to. I know what I want to listen to. 


Please just let us get rid of Smart Shuffle.


Worst change this app has ever had and the feedback shows this. What’s the hold up?


There are other live ideas on just that removal of a “bleep” thing, letting more and more people cancel Spotify. Interesting enough one of those now has close to 6000 likes and is still a good suggestion and even not listed under “most popular “. Spotify just don’t care, so why should we. I think I made a good choice in moving 


I detest Smart Shuffle, I never asked for it and never want it on.  I make my own playlists with specific tracks in it, or listen to playlists with a specific theme, and Spotify thinks butting in with it's own suggestions is a good idea, I absolutely don't want it on ever.  I know it's reasonably easy to turn it off but having it set as the DEFAULT setting when hitting shuffle is ridiculous, if you insist on not letting us disable it make it double click to switch it on instead of making it the default.  I also suspect that Spotify is using the feature to drive traffic to certain artists which I find sinister.