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Share Your Indie Playlist With Me!


Share Your Indie Playlist With Me!

Hey everyone, I’d like to discover more Indie and Alternative music, so share any playlists/music you enjoy based on the genre!


Let me know if you leave my playlist a like so that I may return the favor. Thanks for all the support!

18 Replies

A lot of indie on here, but a mix of other things too!

love these, just followed both of y'alls! here's a couple of mine, i have a bunch of alt/indie playlists if you wanna check more out 🙂

Thanks for your suggestion! I’m currently checking your playlist out and it’s absolutely great.

Thank you for your support! I returned a like. Also, great music selections in your playlist! 

Thank you for the suggestion, very interesting music selections in both of your playlists!

I have this one with some indie, pop, etc. 
hope u like it 🙂

Followed your playlist! Here's one of mine that has a lot of indie/acoustic songs

Thanks for the share! I’ll be looking forward to checking it out. 

Thank you for the support, it means a lot! Also, great music selections, I left your playlist a like.

here is my playlist😋 i gave you a like, you really have good taste!

Thank you very much, your support & compliment means a lot! I left you a like as well, great song selections.

Thank you for the recommendations, I see a lot of good music selections in each playlist.

I’m not sure if it’s enough indie but check it out and I hope u like it 😌
80s/90s vibes, indie, indietronica, pop, etc.

Thank you for your suggestion, & it’s actually very great, nice music selections. Also, I left your playlist a like.

Hey, awesome playlists! Followed yours and a few more 🌿 Here is mine with a mix of relaxing indie music 🎶

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