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Share your favorite songs on a playlist :)


Share your favorite songs on a playlist :)

I packed my favorite songs into a playlist, and I'd love to listen to some of yours, so share them below.



6 Replies

"Imagine" by John Lennon

"Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen

"Hotel California" by Eagles

"Shape of You" by Ed Sheeran

"Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson

"Someone Like You" by Adele

"Rocket Man" by Elton John

"Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana

"Hey Jude" by The Beatles

"Rolling in the Deep" by Adele

"Sweet Child o' Mine" by Guns N' Roses

"Wonderwall" by Oasis

"Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons

"Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey

"Shape of My Heart" by Sting

"Stand by Me" by Ben E. King

"Clocks" by Coldplay

"Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin  qr code scanner

"The Sound of Silence" by Simon & Garfunkel

"I Want to Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles 

now this playlist is far from finished but hopefully this will get you started.

Hii all, here are my favorite playlists! Hope you liked it! feedbacks and comments are open 😄

Playlist I listened to when I am getting ready:

driving to the meeting point while listening to chill rnb songs:

UK Garage, 2step songs:

pop, rap, house music to dance and hype up the room: 

Hi, here’s my favorite playlist, it’s a lot of RnB and rap.

From the Under 1,000 Monthly Followers Playlist

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