
Help Wizard

Step 1


Share your most favorite playlist you've made!!


Share your most favorite playlist you've made!!

I'd love to listen to some of your favorite playlists! Comment with one that you are proud of and lets see the different responses.


This is probably my favorite playlist I've made, its made of songs that remind me of falling in love and usually sounds the best turned up in your headphones!


406 Replies

Hi! Your playlist did not appear. You have to copy paste the playlist link not the URL. It starts with https when you paste it.
Here's mine:

oops I fixed it, thanks! I'm giving your playlist a listen now!

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Great thanks! I'm doing the same with yours and I love Lights Down Low. It's my shower song.
Loved you playlist and also followed 🙂 i think you’ll enjoy this one

This is my biggest playlist that i built over the years, although this is a copy of my main cause the main is a collaborative one with my friends 🙂

This is probably my favorite playlist I’ve ever made, but please look through my account and listen to the rest of my playlists if you want to! These are some of my favorite songs that aren’t very mainstream. They all give me a wonderful feeling!

please follow my playlist !

This one digs a little deeper into lesser known UK and US rap and hip hop:

Country - Some of my newest favorites!  Always adding!

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