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promote your running playlists here !!


promote your running playlists here !!

AYY RUNNERS lets support each other !! 

my playlist : 

9 Replies

awesome playlist! i always find it interesting to see what others listen to when they run or work out. here is mine. it's mainly alt rock, punk, hard rock, some indie rock


followed! i dont run but i have equivalent a$$ shaking music that I'm sure u would enjoy on ur run ahhahha 

I like to group songs according to their BPM so I can use the music to keep a somewhat even cadence. This playlist is 42 minutes long and has songs in the 155 to 160 bpm range. The songs are fairly old, but so I am I. If anyone has suggestions for more rockpop songs in this tempo range I am grateful for all suggestions.

This playlist also feature songs grouped at 170 BPN and above to help with cadence. I use music when I run on treadmills. All of the songs are at least 168 BPM or more, and Neutron Dance by The Pointer Sisters is significantly faster if you want to play with your pace. The majority of the songs are rock, but there's pop in there too.

Here's my current beats:


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