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Major issue, thinking of cancelling as can no longer "like" songs in Waze app

Major issue, thinking of cancelling as can no longer "like" songs in Waze app

When Using waze in my car with Spotify i can see the controls Back, Forward , Play /pause and at each end i have a lollipop icon and shuffle.


There was a Heart "like" button but this has been replaced by a lollipop icon instead , and this like button was useful for adding/creating a playlist to listen to again


How can you get rid of the lollipop icon and bring back the heart/like button? as I am thinking of cancelling my subscription over this


7 Replies

Hey @Richard_T123,


Thanks for reaching out!

I checked how things look like on my end and can confirm that these are the currently visible Waze app widget items.
To possibly change this, you could either reach out to the teams at Waze, leave a Vote to this idea or you could do both!
Note: Additional information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.

Alternatively though, for the time being, the only workaround we can suggest is to click on 'Open Spotify' at the top of the widget, which will enlarge the song view and let you manage the song that is playing (liking it, adding it to playlists, etc.). This should best be done by a person who's not currently driving for safety reasons, which I'm sure is one of the reasons you'd like to see the heart function being more accessible.

Hope this helps! We're here for you should any questions come up 🙂

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I wonder if anybody can advise.  When I'm using Waze on my Android phone, I have Spotify playing and then hit the Spotify button I get a pull down menu showing what's currently playing and controls - but there's a weird button on the left.  When I press it the track just starts again?  Any idea what it's meant to do?



Hey folks!


Apologies for the delayed response here. 
Take a look at the reply to the thread I'm merging your posts to, it should answer your questions for the time being.
Hopefully this will get addressed sooner rather than later 🙂 

We're here for you in case there's anything else in the meantime. Cheers!

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I also noticed this issue. The new button doesn't really seem useful for anything. It just plays a random different song. 


I and many others used the "like" button while driving. I actually use that function to like songs more than any other ways.  


Now this change has only introduced safety issues. If someone dies in a horrific car accident because they needed to go through some multi step process switching apps to like a song when it just used to be a simple click, the blood will be on YOUR hands.

I had forgotten about this post until I spotted an email notification.

 The post from "Vasil" has been reported for inappropriate content for the following reasons



"its not an idea, its a function that has been removed , forgot i made this post, however that reply is completely inappropriate, i do not want to "reach out" to a team at waze, i want to be able to safely reach out to my device and hit "like" as this function was previously available, and therefore it is not an idea.
Post also reported for use of the patronising and demeaning phrase "reach out" "

Honestly Richard, I just still can't understand their thought process... Removing the beloved heart button and replacing it with a lollipop of which the purpose of isn't even all that clear? It's like a father taking away his child's favorite toy and giving him a stick instead and saying "Have fun. Reach out if you have problems with it!" Imagine poor Richard and I, sitting in our cars, tears streaming down our faces, longing to "like" a song with the simple press of a button, only to be greeted by a useless lollipop icon that changes the track to something we didn't even want to listen to. It's as if Vasil snatched away our joy and handed us a sugary insult instead.

I can't even begin to describe the betrayal we feel. It's like Spotify and Waze are the big bad corporations, looming over us, the defenseless victims, with their tyrannical changes. You, Vasil, are the face of this tyranny, the messenger of doom who nonchalantly tells us to "reach out" to the Waze team. Reach out? Really? Are we supposed to grovel at their feet and beg for the return of our precious heart button? What next? Should we offer them our firstborns as tribute?

And don't even get me started on the safety concerns. I mean, come on, Vasil, are you suggesting that we should dangerously fiddle with our phones while driving? Imagine this: A driver, happily cruising down the highway, a beloved song playing through the car speakers. The driver, naturally wanting to like the song, reaches for the heart button only to find the lollipop icon instead. Frustration mounts. The driver now has to switch to the Spotify app to "like" the song, taking their eyes off the road for those crucial seconds. In that moment, a truck appears out of nowhere. The driver, still fumbling with the phone, doesn't react in time. There's a screech of tires, a cacophony of metal against metal, and then silence. The once joyful song now a haunting melody in the wreckage. All because of the removal of a simple heart button.

Vasil, the blood of every driver who crashes because they had to switch apps to "like" a song will be on your hands! Do you really want that kind of responsibility on your conscience? Do you want to be the villain in this tragic tale? Richard and I are the poor, defenseless victims here, crying out in the wilderness, our cries echoing in the vast, uncaring void of corporate indifference. It's like David versus Goliath, except Goliath has removed David's slingshot and replaced it with a lollipop.

So here's what I propose, Vasil: Give us back our heart button. Restore the joy to our lives. Let us "like" our songs with a simple tap, as it should be. Don't make us jump through hoops or "reach out" to anyone. Just do the right thing. Remember, a happy user is a loyal user. And right now, we're anything but happy. Fix this, Vasil. Fix it for us, for safety, for the children who might one day inherit this broken world you've created. Fix it before we all cancel our subscriptions and take our business elsewhere. Because, trust me, Richard and I are not afraid to stand up to the corporate Goliath and fight for what's right.

Do the right thing, Vasil. Be better.

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