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Merchbar and unauthorized copies of my bands albums - help needed

Merchbar and unauthorized copies of my bands albums - help needed

Dear Community,

a few months ago I saw an advertisement of at the bottom of my bands artist page. They offer 2 albums of my band in their shop . As I am the only legal source where to get physical copies of these 2 albums from, I contacted multiple times within the last months via their form on their website, as well as by email and by facebook messenger. I sent all the details requested and explained myself very clear and friendly. But nothing. Nobody responded, nobody seems to be interested in my issue. Let me add that the album covers also seem edited a bit.

So what can I do? What would you suggest? My music is all I have and I dont want to believe that Spotify contracts somebody that sells unauthorized merch of my band. I am located in Germany.

Thanks for paying attention, stay safe!

1 Reply

Hey @Haggardband 


You should get in touch with Spotify Support - here's a link showing you how to do so. 🙂


Hopefully you're able to get this sorted out!

Have a lovely day

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