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Spotify Web Player

Spotify Web Player

I'm confused how the web player can be so much slower then my phone app. It even get stuck at some points making very uncomfortable sounds. Like how it would sound if you dragged the pickup on a vinyl record. The playlist display is sluggish at best and often have many epmty lines with no songs in them then a few more songs are listed, then an other huge gap and then more songs. The gaps are always in the same place. Doesn't matter how many times I load the playlist.


I am not talking about music that has been removed from Spotify as those are still on the lists but greyed out and can't be played.


Se image for an example.

spotify problem.png
2 Replies

I get that sometimes when my wifi is super congested.  Have you tried using a different browser like Chrome?  I definitely prefer the app over the browser version.  App is much more fine tuned.

At work I have to make due with what they allow us to use. Web player is as far as they allow. Only Explorer allowed and we have a super fast Internet when it comes to every other high bandwidth hogging services.

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