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Step 1


[Web Player] doesnt work.

[Web Player] doesnt work.

My web player doesn`t play any song, i try to click on play button but nothing happens , and i already try to clear cache :/. Can someone help me? What should i do?.


I use chrome.

5 Replies

My web player doesn`t play any song, i try to click on play button but nothing happens.
I used another profile, he's works fine...but my principal profile doesn't work....

i use opera browser

Hey @DiegoFarenz and @NEWBLAMEN


There are some basic tips you can try out to get it work:

1. wipe your browser's cookies and cache

2. make sure you're using a supported browser (Edge, Chrome, Firefox or Opera), and it's up to date.

3. Refer to this article to make sure DRM content is allowed.
4. Incognito window could work. In this case some extensions might be working against the web player.

5. Make sure you've selected 'This web player' from the icon on the left of the volume bar (Spotify Connect).


Here's a slightly more complex trick to try that targets Spotify Connect and it goes like this (leave your web player open):

1. open Spotify app on your mobile (not on windows phone) or desktop. Another computer's web player works too. For me even another browser in the same machine worked.

2. Play something in the app or another web player, then locate the 'connect to a device' button (looks like a small computer icon) near the volume bar and choose the web player you want to use.

This should route the playback over to the web player in question.


A third trick that has worked for some users:

1. Log to the web player

2. Click on your user icon at the bottom left

3. Click on the "Full Website" button

4. Click on any proposed album under "Looking for music?"


You may have to hard-refresh (hit ctrl and F5) the web player, and you may have to repeat the last trick a few times. If it still doesn't work, go to your spotify account page and click on 'Sign Out Everywhere', and then try again.


Let me know how it goes! 🙂

I'm having the same problem with my account on multiple computers and browsers. I use Chrome on Windows 10 at home and Firefox on MacOS at work — and playback (play button, clicking a playlist, or clicking individual tracks) does nothing on either machine. The album or playlist appears in the "Recently Played" sidebar, but the interface is otherwise unresponsive.


Have tried clearing browser data, private/incognito windows, disabling browser add-ons, alternate browsers, ensuring my browser is selected as the playback device (I never use the app), and signing out of everywhere. Anyone else have luck solving this problem?

Even the developer page which tells you how to do this is broken. Redirect errors, and the console quotes CSP problems


Edit: Clearing my dns cache fixed this for me, likely be a different issue for you though

All good suggestions. I have found another. I use Chrome 63 on a Windows 10 desktop. When I open a Spotify tab, I can search but nothing plays, not even the last song I listened to. So I close the tab, reopen a new Spotify tab, and it works. I've been doing that for months. It's a minor annoyance.

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