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Windows 10 mobile working for anyone?

Windows 10 mobile working for anyone?


Have had problems on my Lumia 950 with the latest windows mobile and latest Spotify app.

It reloads every 5-7 seconds regardless on which page I am on. If I manage to start a song, it cuts off after 7 seconds.

The only fix is to listen to albums in off-line mode.

Have re-installed, restarted and stood on 1 foot while doing it as well as having other obscure rituals. Started to use the MS Groove, actually a good service and content (classical music listener). It lacks some of the organizational features that I miss in Spotify. Also, I am a Swede .. want to promote Swedish companies. 🙂


Just need to know if something is wrong on my end or if the Spotify app is not tested well enough.




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