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"Your Music" section broken on Tizen watch

"Your Music" section broken on Tizen watch



I have a problem with the Spotify app on the Samsung Galaxy Active 2 smartwatch. When I go to the "Your Music" section, both the "Your Collection" and "Your Playlists" menus are broken. They used to show different things but they both only seem to show the same playlists now.


Only 19 playlists show up. As you scroll down another page of items loads, however it just loads the same 19 playlists again and will do so infinitely loading the same page of 19 as you scroll down. It seems the playlists shown are the first 19 you see in "Custom order" on the PC. Frustratingly, pinned playlists aren't shown at all, which is particularly irritating since those are the ones you care most about. This also means you can't play your "Liked Songs".


So in essence there are three issues here:

1) "Your Collection" only shows playlists (I assume it is meant to show e.g. songs and/or albums)

2) "Your Playlists" doesn't show pinned playlists or "Liked Songs"

3) Both only load 1 page of items


I have a Premium account and the device is a Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 with Tizen software version Unfortunately the Spotify app itself does not specify its version number anywhere (going to Settings -> Info just brings up a couple of open source licenses).


Many thanks,


149 Replies







Samsung Galaxy Watch3 LTE 45mm

Operating System

Tizen version

Spotify's app version:



My Question or Issue

I can't acess any playlist out of the ones that already are in my library. Plus I can't download any playlist to listen offline. I've tried to logout and login again, I've made a full factory reset on the smartwatch and nothing works to make the Spotify app to work again. I'll send two screenshots one shows the only one playlist that I made on Spotify and other that shows that I can't download to listen offline (previously it would have a check button to do this action).
Probably there are other people with the same problem on these devices that uses Tizen OS. Please help us. 

Tried to post here as a last try to use Spotify's services on my smartwatch, before I've contacted support two times via e-mail to solve this problem, they did nothing. Since the topic I've created was moved to this one I saw that Spotify's does not want to solve this and doing its part to eletronic waste as most of the people use these smartwatch to listen offline, sports and Samsung Pay services. Most of the people would buy another smartwatch to listen to music offline. Unfortunately that's not my case, I will have to go to piracy to listen to music offline, because Spotify cannot resolve this simple problem. If anyone wants to go this way there's a Telegram bot, do a little search on the internet and you'll find how. Thanks Spotify!

Comprei em 2020 um smartwatch da samsung, o Galaxy Watch Active 1, para ouvir musicas através do spotify enquanto fazia atividades físicas. Final de 2024 o app retira o relogio dos dispositivos compativeis. Me vem a preocupação da empresa com relação ao meio ambiente. Toda vez que se atualiza um app e retira aparelhos de forma precoce (4 anos não é tanto tempo), gera-se mais e mais lixo eletrônico no mundo, pois se quero continuar fazendo minhas atividades físicas ouvindo musica com o spotify (que foi pra isso que baixei e pago o app) eu preciso trocar o aparelho, assim como milhares de pessoas que compraram o mesmo aparelho e que, em uma atualização, o spotify retira. Uma empresa gigante como a spotify deveria ser mais comprometida com o meio ambiente e com a causa de reduzir o lixo eletrônico. Entendo a preocupação com a funcionalidade e segurança do app, mas deveria-se aplicar mais vontade em preservar a funcionalidade máxima dos aparelhos em prol de um bem maior. Além disso, nem todas as pessoas possuem condições de comprar novos aparelhos para manter seus hábitos e usos de apps.

After all this time; I have to say that none of you read through these comments to see there was a solution / workaround to your issues.  You even let the moderators manipulate you with the fact that there was/is an approved - by Spotify - software/app that was listed in the forum. 

What a pointless comment, explain the work around and provide details of where this spotify app is... 


Pretty sure people here have tried everything so be helpful if you know something we don't or you're just trolling 

Are you foolish. I posted and the mod banned me.

You're unhinged, your solution wasn't what people were looking for, you threw a tantrum when no one wanted your solution and you're back here being crazy again. Calling me foolish... 

No wonder you got banned. 

And that is why developers won't help you. 😂 If you looked at the graph over 40+ used it in that month. Had you been a bit more friendly we could have helped find other solutions that varied.  At the end of the day; ours work and yours does not.  Thank you for your time.

There is no download option on the app on my samsung gear active 2 and as a result I cannot download music to listen to offline

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