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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Bonjour,J'ai pris une carte-cadeau via mon CSE que je ne peux pas
utiliser soi-disant car j'ai déjà un compte premium family. Pourquoi
n'acceptez-vous pas les cartes cadeaux avec les abonnements et comment
puis-je faire maintenant que j'ai cette cart...
Bonjour, J'ai pris une carte-cadeau via mon CSE que je ne peux pas utiliser soi-disant car j'ai déjà un compte premium family. Pourquoi n'acceptez-vous pas les cartes cadeaux avec les a...
I can’t join our family subscription and when I try it tells me that I
can’t change twice in 12th months even though I haven’t changed my
subscription for over 18 months plus does anyone know how I can get help
with this problem?
I can’t join our family subscription and when I try it tells me that I can’t change twice in 12th months even though I haven’t changed my subscription for over 18 months plus does anyone know how I c...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADevicePixel 7, Google home minisOperating
SystemAndroid 13 My Question or IssueI'm a part of a premium family
account, where there are 2 users with separate accounts. Both accounts
are linked via the Google Home app to various sm...
Plan Premium Country USA Device Pixel 7, Google home minis Operating System Android 13 My Question or Issue I'm a part of a premium family account, where there are 2 users w...
Hi, I have a Family Plan, and prepaid for the year.Now, I saw there's
the option to subscribe so I don't have to set up the family group again
next year. Tried to subscribe the family plan, but the only option
offered is to pay again for the plan, fo...
Hi, I have a Family Plan, and prepaid for the year. Now, I saw there's the option to subscribe so I don't have to set up the family group again next year. Tried to subscribe the family p...
Hello, I’m having the same issue. The playlist is public, app is up to
date, I’ve turned in and off the iPad and I’ve removed and re installed
the app, and the playlist is not showing up. It does not contain a
I’m having the same issue. The playlist is public, app is up to date, I’ve turned in and off the iPad and I’ve removed and re installed the app, and the playlist is not showing up. ...
Hi All, I have Spotify Premium Family with 4 users and we all use
Spotify on our phones, in our cars and on Alexa's in the house.The
problem I have is that if I'm listening on my phone or in the car and
somebody at home starts to play music on one of...
Hi All, I have Spotify Premium Family with 4 users and we all use Spotify on our phones, in our cars and on Alexa's in the house. The problem I have is that if I'm listening on my phone o...
The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate the account?
So, I am manager of Premium Family. I'm trying create a new family on my
phone and my mom’s phone but every time I enter my card
(visa/mastercard/true id/phone billing) and click the big green button
but I can’t get a premium pack.a red box shows up ...
So, I am manager of Premium Family. I'm trying create a new family on my phone and my mom’s phone but every time I enter my card (visa/mastercard/true id/phone billing) and click the big green b...
Premium Family PlanAustralia I have received a request for a family
member to purchase audiobook hours - I have clicked on the "Get Hours"
option in the email but there is no way to purchase audiobook hours for
him - it just takes me to my account. I...
Premium Family Plan Australia I have received a request for a family member to purchase audiobook hours - I have clicked on the "Get Hours" option in the email but there is no way to p...
Loving the new free audiobook feature with premium but the rest of my
family on my family premium plan would love access to this too. Would
love an update where all family premium members have access to this
Loving the new free audiobook feature with premium but the rest of my family on my family premium plan would love access to this too. Would love an update where all family premium members have a...
My Question or Issue I am currently on the Premium Family Plan - last
payment was made so I am up to date. However, we have all been kicked
out - when we log in on any of our devices it logs in on the free plan.
Please help. Plan Premium Country Sout...
My Question or Issue
I am currently on the Premium Family Plan - last payment was made so I am up to date. However, we have all been kicked out - when we log in on any of our devices it logs in o...
hi. My daughter is on my premium family plan but cannot download an
audiobook? Why would this be? I have no issues with the downloading of
audiobooks on my account. None of the below information is required.
However, the more you provide the easier i...
hi. My daughter is on my premium family plan but cannot download an audiobook? Why would this be? I have no issues with the downloading of audiobooks on my account. None of the b...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryCanadaDeviceGoogle Pixel 6 ProOperating
SystemAndroid 15 My Question or IssueI had changed my Spotify to Premium
Duo April 23rd, 2023. Right now I am trying to accept an invite to
Premium Family but it says There was a proble...
Plan Premium Family Country Canada Device Google Pixel 6 Pro Operating System Android 15 My Question or Issue I had changed my Spotify to Premium Duo April 23rd, 2023. Right now I a...
Hace un año fue posible que realizara el pago anual, hace un mes hice la
reactivación de mi plan familiar pero no me es posible el cambiar el
monto que deseo pagar solo me aparece mensual
Hace un año fue posible que realizara el pago anual, hace un mes hice la reactivación de mi plan familiar pero no me es posible el cambiar el monto que deseo pagar solo me aparece mensual
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or Issue why am I getting ads on my premium family plan? I
thought the whole point of paying for a pr...
I have a premium Family plan. The person listed as "manager" is my
former daughter-in-law who cheated on my son and moved out of the house.
How can I delete her as manager? I pay the bill but am not the manager
I have a premium Family plan. The person listed as "manager" is my former daughter-in-law who cheated on my son and moved out of the house. How can I delete her as manager? I pay the bill but am n...