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Condom Advert Feedback


Condom Advert Feedback

Hi there, I'm relatively new to Spotify. I love the service, but I'm kind of weirded out by one thing: of late, they've been playing two Trojan (condom) ads. This is fine in and of itself, but I listen to my music in common areas a lot, places where my family can hear. When it comes to the younger kids, I'm nervous about them hearing it (they also have Spotify accounts of their own, so I'm a little concerned about that, too, because the ads are a bit...specific); with the older relatives, I know it'll just be too weird. Is there any way to report an ad or stop if from playing on your personal Spotify? I don't mind ads at all--I just mind this ad, considering the fact that it's legitimately weird. Thank you in advance!

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Hi guys,


In an online article, I read the following quote from Spotify rep regarding the trojan ads,

" [they] was reduced over the holidays and they only run for 18+ free tier users."


Got me thinking. I went to


username icon (top right corner of destop spotify) -> account -> edit my profile (on website) 


I then changed my birthday so that I am under 18.


It's a hastle, but so far the trojan ads have disappeared.

Try it out.

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@antiadman: Thank you so much. I've just updated mine and am not hearing that trash anymore.

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Solution, the bottom line: change your age to under age 18. Its not great but if it works then I'm happy. 


@antiadman posted this:

I went to username icon (top right corner of destop spotify) -> account -> edit my profile (on website) I then changed my birthday so that I am under 18.


It's a hastle, but so far the trojan ads have disappeared.

Try it out.



Good luck everyone!

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Hey there,


I tried Spotify for Free at my parents home. And totally tired in less than a 5 minutes to ads!!! They advertise music like LMFAO and I don't care about this. They can advertise for me better music why they don't use data what I'm listening no matter what account I use??? In my opinion advertising LMFAO for me that listen only underground bass-powered music is waste of time.


Spotify ads system is poorly targeted and they need a lot of work to make ad system good.


Please some more work with it!!!


Spotify Free is good product, but really ads are junk most of time. I'm happy with Premium, however. But just tried Spotify Free for fun. I know, Spotify, you can make ads more relevant to users. Look at these feedbacks with condom ads in Spotify.

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Hi guys,

We really are sorry if this has caused any offence. It's worth mentioning that these ads really are targeted to adults and we never intend to target people 18 and under.

I've been told that the ad is now no longer running, have any of you heard anything?

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Right, as this advert has stopped running, I'm going to close the thread.

Thank you very much for all for the feedback. Again, we're sorry if any offence was caused.

If you come across any other ads that you dislike, don't hesitate to open up another thread.

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193 Replies

Yes I would complain at inappopriate ads being displayed on TV at the wrong time.

It is all about who is listening, when my kids are around I dont want condom ads, or adverts for a horror..

Then why is it I still recieve 'skyn condom' ads. 
Out of nowhere "IS THERE A SEXY TRACK THAT MAKES YOU WANT TO JUMP IN THE SACK" I mean seriously. No one wants to hear this, especially when there is family around. 
Why is everyone saying these ads are removed when I am constantly hearing them????

Still getting condom ads -.- 

Not happy in the slightest

I am also sick and tired of the condom ads. I just heard one of them as three out of the last four and it sickens me. At least let me have a preference so I can tell you I'm never, ever going to buy a condom.

The ads are still displaying.

It would be great if we can give a thumbs up or down about the ad to prevent from displaying.


I am outraged by these Trojan commercials. OUTRAGED. This is insane. I demand a response to this. I thought Spotify was run by professionals! Clearly I was wrong. This is SO out of line. Immediately after this post I will be discontinuing my use of Spotify. I was considering using Spotifys paid service but now I can't trust this filthy organization. My next google search is: "Spotify alternatives".

The condom adds are incredibly offensive. I am not going to be able to listen to Spotify with condom adds on it.

I don't know when this was posted, but this same issue is happening again with Trojan brand condoms.  I am fine with commercials here and there in general but it'd be nice if they weren't ones that I'd feel funny having on around family and the workplace.  These Trojan ads are even annoying to me, it seems like they run at least every 5 minutes and it's by far the most popular ad that has been playing.  I'm on board with the guy who started this thread for those Durex condoms.  This is insane.

nice job spotify. thanks.

Yeah im kinda tired of condom commercials as much as you are -_-

I'm not a premium user, so I expect ads, but I'm literally getting 2-4 condom ads in a row after every other song on Spotify. It's getting to the point where I'm on the verge of uninstalling. This is just absurd.

Don't go in with a rubber.

I agree. Why do I get condom commercials while listening to Christmas music. I get them even when I am listening to the Chipmunks Christmas Album or just albums meant for kids. I do not want my daughter listening to that stuff!

Hey guys 🙂 


I guess that is the last thing you want to hear at Christmas.

If you would like to make a complaint, then get in touch with Spotify using the online contact form.


The only thing I can suggest is to purchase a subscription, but I guess thats not a solution for everyone. 



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I agree, the condom commercials actually went away at least during business hours which is when I listen. I hated them they were so weird, long & annoying. I don't have kids but I agree with everyone else. Now as of the other day they are back, not as long or weird but still kinda uncomfortable. Its not necessary to have them on at 9am especially if kids might be listening. I am sure Trojan would agree that these ads would better serve at more appropiate times come on now Spotify!!

I am a child of 14 years of age listening to your library and There was an Inappropriate commercial about condoms. I realize that this company has paid to be advertised but using adjectives such as stimulating sensation is extremely Inappropriate. There should be something doe about this.

I'm afraid you couldn't even have your own account being a child.

We already had this problem earlier this year. After a few weeks/months of complaining, they finally removed the ads. I had hoped that they wouldn't return, but nope. End of the year and now they're back again. Totally inappropriate. At least give us a NSFW filter option for the ads. That's they least Spotify can do.


Here's the old thread if you want to revive the complaint again.

Seriously, the Durex ads were inappropriate so you removed them, but now you think Trojan ads are okay? Get rid of the condom ads or give us a NSFW ad filter.

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