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Condom Advert Feedback


Condom Advert Feedback

Hi there, I'm relatively new to Spotify. I love the service, but I'm kind of weirded out by one thing: of late, they've been playing two Trojan (condom) ads. This is fine in and of itself, but I listen to my music in common areas a lot, places where my family can hear. When it comes to the younger kids, I'm nervous about them hearing it (they also have Spotify accounts of their own, so I'm a little concerned about that, too, because the ads are a bit...specific); with the older relatives, I know it'll just be too weird. Is there any way to report an ad or stop if from playing on your personal Spotify? I don't mind ads at all--I just mind this ad, considering the fact that it's legitimately weird. Thank you in advance!

193 Replies

That would be all fine and dandy if these commercials were just simple commercials talking about safety and protection, but they're not about that at all. They're sexual and filthy, with the woman in the commercial talking about "intensified orgasmic pleasure." Not exactly the atmosphere I want to set at family Christmas

Marked as solution

@antiadman: Thank you so much. I've just updated mine and am not hearing that trash anymore.

That will mean i have to change my age in Facebook.

I completely agree. It is also awesome if you want to use Spotify for a party or listen to it at work. They need a setting for NSFW for commercials. I know they probably get paid well for these ads, but as users we need to be able to filter this. Or maybe they should do it like TV does and play those ads for late night listeners.


I have personally wrote them about this before and they never responded. It is enough that I consider not listening at work and that is the only time I use the service.

It is keeping me from using spotify.  They are ruining the service.

I totally agree!  We should try to get a bunch of people to write to Spotify to protest this.  These commercials are offensive and for a morally questionable product.  How am I supposed to feel comfortable turning up the  spotify radio when I have younger children around when they are playing these types of sexually suggestive commercials?  They are indeed inappropriate.  We need to get this to stop or quit using spotify if they do not take action to clean this up.  

The solution that was offered is not a genuine solution. Rather it is a roundabout way for Spotify to be able to keep their sensual advertisements and appease those who are slavish enough to actually change their birthdate. Until I hear that these sorts of sexual advertisements have been removed, I will no longer be using Spotify. It's already bad enough that Spotify has audio advertisements interrupting playlists, as opposed to other free internet radio services that only have visual advertisements.

I find it amusing that there's a place to "report inappropriate content" on every single post in this forum. The irony is awesome.

Double standards abound, eh? 😉

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Solution, the bottom line: change your age to under age 18. Its not great but if it works then I'm happy. 


@antiadman posted this:

I went to username icon (top right corner of destop spotify) -> account -> edit my profile (on website) I then changed my birthday so that I am under 18.


It's a hastle, but so far the trojan ads have disappeared.

Try it out.



Good luck everyone!

Hey Spotify, I thought you were a classier act then that! yOU KNOW i HAVE FAMILY AND CHILDREN , DO YOU REALLY NEED TO PUT CONDOM COMMERCIALS ON sPOTIFY@! Are you that desperate to push people away or try to force them to pay! I will go back to Pandora! DISLIKE!

TOTALLY AGREE!  I just got on to say the same exact thing!  My 4 and 5 year olds have been singing the commercials now and asking what Trojan means.  Please stop playing them!  

@chickpea22 wrote:

TOTALLY AGREE!  I just got on to say the same exact thing!  My 4 and 5 year olds have been singing the commercials now and asking what Trojan means.  Please stop playing them!  


That's not as bad to me as having to listen to religious junk like the Mormon commercials.

I found the Mormon comercials offensive too! It seems whoever pays the big bucks to Spotify is ok. Especially on my Christmas music !

I just wrote to Spotify and asked that they remove these Trojan Condom commercials from my account.  Hopefully they can do something about it, as these commericals feel inappropriate and make me feel uncomfortable.  


I suggest everyone write to Spotify and ask them to remove them.



Seems Like the folks here at Spotify aren't getting the message as the offensive TROJAN ads continue without any of the suggested relief for opting out.. Or they are getting our message and are choosing to ignore. The response has clearly been overwhelming in favor of either removing the offensive ad or giving us an opt-out mecahnism. This is sad because we have truly been enjoying the features you offer.

I am sure that this feedback has been passed onto the Spotify internal teams by the community staff. Normally any large feedback topics like this are passed onto the team internally. 



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Just to reiterate what we said earlier in this thread, we are collecting feedback and reporting this to the appropriate internal departments at the moment. We'll let you know when we have any further updates.
Airhorn Enthusiast

I've yet to figure out how to write to them.....

Marked as solution

Hey there,


I tried Spotify for Free at my parents home. And totally tired in less than a 5 minutes to ads!!! They advertise music like LMFAO and I don't care about this. They can advertise for me better music why they don't use data what I'm listening no matter what account I use??? In my opinion advertising LMFAO for me that listen only underground bass-powered music is waste of time.


Spotify ads system is poorly targeted and they need a lot of work to make ad system good.


Please some more work with it!!!


Spotify Free is good product, but really ads are junk most of time. I'm happy with Premium, however. But just tried Spotify Free for fun. I know, Spotify, you can make ads more relevant to users. Look at these feedbacks with condom ads in Spotify.

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