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New version? **** you


New version? **** you

Holy **** by the love of god and in the name of Jesus Christ stop this useless updates that **** my applications. Every few months the same ****, **** you! Let me choose if i want that update or not!
20 Replies

What's happened about applications ? And how to find easily a title in my playlist now ? **bleep** i pay for this service from 5 years now and i feel so bad because of this last update... understand your pain man ...

I have to say, I think the new spotify is gorgeous! The designers should be proud of themselves.

This new version sucks. I'll be spending my 12 bucks a month with someone else now

@Alexcapstick97 wrote:

I have to say, I think the new spotify is gorgeous! The designers should be proud of themselves.


Hey Guys there's no need to get all agressive about this, you know spotify is about improvement and change is not always well recieved but we are here to share ideas and work on them, all your complains are taken into account so we make spotify better, together..


i ask for your patience and assure things are working to improve..



have a good week... 

I have a thing for crazy music, follow me to listen to check out my playlists..

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If i help you with something, accept as a solution, will be awesome..

Feel free to send a friend request, music network is infinite...

Yes, why is strg+f killed? Lesser functionality from version to version.

The ctrl/cmd + f will be coming back soon, but there isn't any official release date yet. ๐Ÿ˜‰

especially the removal of the apps were essential for frequent users, and currently i'm thinking about to cancel my account and give those apps developers some opportunity to continue their business in another streaming service.

i already set up some interfaces for that case (because it was predictable)....
sorry spotify, this time you really f-u-c-k-e-d-  up your product.

roll-back this time or you'll experience massive loss  of users....

@retroflex wrote:

especially the removal of the apps were essential for frequent users, and currently i'm thinking about to cancel my account and give those apps developers some opportunity to continue their business in another streaming service.

i already set up some interfaces for that case (because it was predictable)....
sorry spotify, this time you really f-u-c-k-e-d-  up your product.

roll-back this time or you'll experience massive loss  of users....

AND with Equalify not working on this version I cannot get the sound I like on my home sound system.

WTF Spotify, I have to wait and hopefully recieve the new Equalify when it is released, before I can tweek again?

"Hey Guys there's no need to get all agressive about this, you know spotify is about improvement and change is not always well recieved but we are here to share ideas and work on them, all your complains are taken into account so we make spotify better, together.."


OK, so let's assume that's true. In that case, care to explain why a ton of functionality was removed in the latest version, and a lot of white space was added? The actual content now feels VERY cramped on a lot of screens, even though that same screen is fine for everything else. A lot of settings (ex. cache space) were removed, Ctrl+F, etc. Basically a much less functional app... to what end? And from what I can tell, user feedback (if you guys asked for any) was NOT taken into account with the new version. What, are you trying to pull a Windows 8 and expect it to go well? And care to explain why when called out on the missing features, Spotify says that oh, they'll be added back later if you vote on them? Even though that's happened before (0.88 or something?), and the features weren't added back? How about this. Recall this new crappy version, and rollback to the old one until you can get your act together. Very simple, and solves the complaints in one go. No functionality lost, and a ton gained. Personally, I already dug up a copy of the last version, and then intentionally broke the update mechanism so that I could keep a nice, functional Spotify player. I might not renew my subscription depending on how much you guys decide to keep your heads up your asses though.

EXACTLY LDVS ! I would have thought Spotify would appreciate some feedback..even if it is negative.I have spent the afternoon rexiewing other streaming players, and will probably cancel my subscription to spotify in favour of another, and I bet I'm not the only one. Surely a loss in subscribers revenue is indicative to how we feel like we're being rorted?

@user-removed wrote:

"Hey Guys there's no need to get all agressive about this, you know spotify is about improvement and change is not always well recieved but we are here to share ideas and work on them, all your complains are taken into account so we make spotify better, together.."


OK, so let's assume that's true. In that case, care to explain why a ton of functionality was removed in the latest version, and a lot of white space was added? The actual content now feels VERY cramped on a lot of screens, even though that same screen is fine for everything else. A lot of settings (ex. cache space) were removed, Ctrl+F, etc. Basically a much less functional app... to what end? And from what I can tell, user feedback (if you guys asked for any) was NOT taken into account with the new version. What, are you trying to pull a Windows 8 and expect it to go well? And care to explain why when called out on the missing features, Spotify says that oh, they'll be added back later if you vote on them? Even though that's happened before (0.88 or something?), and the features weren't added back? How about this. Recall this new crappy version, and rollback to the old one until you can get your act together. Very simple, and solves the complaints in one go. No functionality lost, and a ton gained. Personally, I already dug up a copy of the last version, and then intentionally broke the update mechanism so that I could keep a nice, functional Spotify player. I might not renew my subscription depending on how much you guys decide to keep your heads up your asses though.

@user-removed wrote:

"Hey Guys there's no need to get all agressive about this, you know spotify is about improvement and change is not always well recieved but we are here to share ideas and work on them, all your complains are taken into account so we make spotify better, together.."


OK, so let's assume that's true. In that case, care to explain why a ton of functionality was removed in the latest version, and a lot of white space was added? The actual content now feels VERY cramped on a lot of screens, even though that same screen is fine for everything else. A lot of settings (ex. cache space) were removed, Ctrl+F, etc. Basically a much less functional app... to what end? And from what I can tell, user feedback (if you guys asked for any) was NOT taken into account with the new version. What, are you trying to pull a Windows 8 and expect it to go well? And care to explain why when called out on the missing features, Spotify says that oh, they'll be added back later if you vote on them? Even though that's happened before (0.88 or something?), and the features weren't added back? How about this. Recall this new crappy version, and rollback to the old one until you can get your act together. Very simple, and solves the complaints in one go. No functionality lost, and a ton gained. Personally, I already dug up a copy of the last version, and then intentionally broke the update mechanism so that I could keep a nice, functional Spotify player. I might not renew my subscription depending on how much you guys decide to keep your heads up your asses though.

I see a lots of people upset about this new update but the problem is that there are also a lots of people who are happy ... And i'm pretty sure that all of you guys are hardcore users of Spotify like me and they will just dont care about our complains. I really dont understand their choice to remove such a good fonctionnality that make my user experiment so happy that i was making advertisement for them like a Apple user could do. 


I tried to contact the support and community manager on twitter to get some response about those big removal but still no answer from them. I'll also really consider resignation of my subscription even if it's like losing tons of playlists, but if i sum up here are all stuff i'm not able to do so far : 

- i was using spotify every days and now when you press the red cross at the upper right corneer, it just KILL the app instantly instead of putting it in the background apps of windows. 

- CTRL - F is not working anymore so how we are supposed to find a song in a playlist of 2000 titles now ? Are we constrained to play randomly those playlist now or put those marks to find them easily ? 

- I was also a daily user of those apps. 

=> TUNEWIKI was really good and user friendly with the possibility to add yourself lyrics of a song by yourself and sync. It was awesome especially for NON COMMERCIAL title that you you'll never had.
=> was really usefull to find new playlist every days and share mine too. There was an active community and possibility to find playlist according to what you were listenning.
=> For electronic music, there was Kontor / SpinningRecords / ArminVonBuuren apps to find such new song in an easy way, now how can i do expect going through the spotiify dance music selector to only heard commercial ******** songs...

The list could continue again and again but really after 5 - 6 years of use and around 500โ‚ฌ spent in that service i feel like rape so hard. 


Exactly! What company intentionally rolls out an inferior product with less functionality and then tells users to simply wait (but keep paying premium!) while they get their s**t together? My #1 complaint is the loss of the apps for finding new music. Spotify's recommendations for new music are great if you like teeny-bopper EDM bulls**t but that's it.
I've started looking at other streaming services like Deezer and Rdio. I'm ready to walk.

I'll not blame them right now. I just put some warning to say hey guys what you did is **bleep**ed up and we are really disapointed. Let's consider that everybody have a lots of playlist that we simply cannot exportfrom this platform to an other. So i'll probably wait for a while but of course Deezer is the best choice then if there is no move from Spotify. 

Also closing spotify with the "X" now exits the application. WTF?

I can't edit local files's info. WTF?

I can't just drag local file into playlist. WTF?

CTR+F - WTF^2 ?

@RayofLight wrote:

Also closing spotify with the "X" now exits the application. WTF?

I can't edit local files's info. WTF?

I can't just drag local file into playlist. WTF?

CTR+F - WTF^2 ?

Oh man, if you click X anywhere on your desktop, it CLOSES app. If you want to minimise, there is button to it. Actually it is wel-asked feature. Well, in computer world X is CLOSE.


With other stuff I agree, could be better not to remove features.


When the bassline drops, keep jumping!

That is the ONE thing they changed that actually makes sense to me. Yes, I'd like close to actually mean close, just like everything else has done since Windows 95 (the last 20 years or so). How about shift+minimize or something like that for people who like to minimize to the tray?


Other than that, I sure don't regret downgrading to the prevous version.

Seriously guys, minimize to the System TRAY should be a FEATURE even if it doesn't happen when you press the X button. Make it happen when I press the - button or whatever, but it's taking up VALUABLE real-estate for an app I don't need to have there! Make it DISAPPEAR and still work. F* this! I looked everywhere for a way to get it to work ๐Ÿ˜ž


I'm probably going to do this...

P.S. It works (RBTray), though it's seriously annoying to have to install a side-app to get the same functionality!

whos f**kin idea was it to switch the loudness controller to the opposite side from the play buttons etx???  come on, this is not an "update" this is just BULL**bleep** in its clearest way. And u gave me no choice to keep the latest installed version.... so w*t*f* ... sorry, normally im not like this.. but really not amused about that...

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