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can spotify sort your playist on key?


can spotify sort your playist on key?

is there any chance Spotify would be able to sort everything on key? bc a 140-hour list is a lot xD


7 Replies

Hey @Pandamoan 


Spotify app itself doesn't have a method on how to sort the playlist by key. However, there are tools out there that can sort your playlists by key as well as many other ways.
One of such that I've found is You paste the spotify playlist URL and it will do the job. The playlist has to be public and there is no way to get a copy of that sorted playlist into your spotify app, though.
There's also Chosic, which sorts and analyses playlists in a number of ways, including key. Looking at the table they give, it's the most detailed one I've seen really. :') This one you can connect your Spotify account to, so you can sort all you want and get a copy of that sorted playlist in your Spotify library.

Hope this helps, have a lovely day!

Hey @Pandamoan I've been sorting playlists by key recently and have built this app to help to do it,

Sort by Tune

It uses the Camelot Wheel to determine which keys match. By default it auto-sorts using a number of properties at once, but you can get it to only use key. There is also a list view that will show you the key of each track, and highlight matching keys.

Hopefully it can help you out.

Superb Tool!

adding a "search/filter by key" & "search/filter by tempo" (allowing users to input a numerical tempo & key)  feature within the playlists would be real gamechangers here. people care less about the "danceability" and "popularity score" we know whats danceable and popular, we dont know which songs in our library are in the same key and tempo and cant separate them, since we don't know.

there are a couple of tools you can use for free

my top 3 in no particular order

https://www.sortbytune dot com
https://tonalify.herokuapp dot com
http://sortyourmusic.playlistmachinery dot com/index.html

You are a life saver! awesome tool. I'm spotify-DJing my wedding

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