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API usage terms question

API usage terms question

I am creating a website to recommend books and wanted to add a spotify link to an audio book if its available on spotify.  Every time I add a book to my site it will be querying the API to find out if the audobook is available.  

I will not be using any of the metadata about the book from Spotify, I have already arranged rights from anoter source. I will merely be storing the link to the content so I can referr people if they view the page of that book.  

Would this be a violation of the Developer Terms 4.2.d as I will be creating an automated tool to query the API to fetch that referral url if available?  

If so, is there a way I can negotiate permission to add proper throttling to my requests so as to no create an unreasonable load on the API? 

Thanks for your time and help.
-Nate Cotton

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