Beginning today, Spotify is rolling out a new feature for both Free and Premium users in several countries who have a sizable collection of Liked Songs and use the mobile app (iOS or Android).
If you reside in the US, CA, UK, IE, AU, NZ, or ZA and have at least 30 tracks saved to your library, this new feature allows you to filter your Liked Songs by genres and moods.
You can use this new feature by navigating to “Your Library” and tapping “Liked Songs”; there, you can select one of the filters that appear above the Liked Songs playlist, in order to view a subset of tracks that represent that particular genre or mood. By tapping the “x” icon next to the filter, you can remove the selected genre or mood, and thereby return to your complete Liked Songs collection.

There are currently hundreds of genre and mood filters for Liked Songs, which will be continuously updated and optimized over time. A genre or mood needs to have at least 15 represented tracks saved to your Liked Songs in order for it to appear there as a filter; and you can have up to 15 filters available, which are based on the tracks that you’ve saved to your Spotify library. In this way, the number and types of genre/mood filters (as well as the order in which they appear) update automatically as you add or remove Liked Songs from your library.

During the test for this feature, I had found the sorting of my Liked Songs into several genres of music to be rather fun to explore. For the most part, my Liked Songs seemed to be sorted into appropriate genres during the test and aligned closely with my expectation of which genre(s) each artist’s music represents; only rarely did I notice a few tracks that seemed out of place within the genre filter for which they appeared.

I’m glad that the genre and mood filters for Liked Songs are now being released as a feature, especially since the information that they provide is useful for deciding which tracks to add to the genre-themed playlists that I’ve created on Spotify; up until now, I’ve typically looked to other resources such as to find out which “genre tags” apply to my favorite music, and thereby guide which tracks I add to these playlists. The ability to filter one’s saved tracks into individual genres or moods within the Spotify app itself presents a convenient alternative (or additional) resource for this purpose.
You may also find this new feature for the mobile app to be quite beneficial if you’d like to listen to music that you enjoy within a particular genre or mood, without needing to create or search for another Spotify playlist outside of Liked Songs, as well as if you’re simply curious to get an idea about what “types” of music your favorite songs can be classified into.
However you make use of the new genre and mood filters for your Liked Songs, I think that this feature is an exciting and welcome addition for the mobile app. Feel free to add a comment and share your thoughts on how you find the new genre and mood filters for Liked Songs to be.
@Billy-J, @dinomight, @MattSuda, @Loneliest_Cabin @samanthacs, @Emilia_8, @116888877, @Kzieran, @notaperv, @bibeklical, @daniellehthomas, @ms_atomic, @osornios, @Dawnehl, @Bengbruce56, @lg2uwpxycjw5y6d, @Spacekadette, @zaneblackop, @samuelalsup, @freddifederica, @alyonss, @rachzaa, @Nlseaver, @tanglaurentang, @Orauball, @lovers626, @Hollentatonix, @RIII3, @happycomposer, @_furhajp-j19i, @Mark7996, @BambooHero, @Ryrynz, @Bambooooooooooo, @125434242, @perf124, @AeroZ, I’m tagging you here since you had posted in my thread last year regarding the test for this feature, and I thought you might be interested in reading this announcement. Cheers!