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Date scroller, sort by genre, and search bar missing from Liked Songs..

Date scroller, sort by genre, and search bar missing from Liked Songs..




United States


iPhone 15 Pro

Operating System

iOS 17.0.3


My Question or Issue

So I've been using Spotify for 3 years now, and I've always liked how on mobile, in Liked Songs, the scroll bar on the side actually showed you the date (month, year format) as you went up and down the playlist (obviously in chronological order to when the songs were added). Additionally, at the top of the playlist, I really liked how you could sort by genre/mood, and the search bar feature, allowing you to search for specific songs. About 3 months ago, I've been noticing these features disappearing out of nowhere, and suddenly coming back again. A regular scroll bar to go through the playlist, no dates shown. No genre feature, or even a search bar. Now, when this first started happening, as I said, 3 months ago, they would regularly disappear, but then come back a few days later. Even more recent, for about a month now, it hasn't come back at all. I've asked my friends and their Liked Songs all have the features mine are missing. Why is this happening, and how do I get it fixed?

8 Replies

Hey @ryankalvintrinh,


Thanks for reaching out.


The features you're referring to are still being tested so it's normal to see them come and go. Unfortunately, we can't enable them manually for your account, rest assured however that your feedback has been forwarded to the right teams at Spotify.


Thanks for understanding. Let us know if there's anything else.

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United Kingdom


iPhone 15 Pro

Operating System

iOS 17.4.1


My Question or Issue

Around two months ago I noticed that on the mobile Spotify app, when you go into Liked Songs and scroll down, the month / year that should show next to the scroll bar doesn't appear anymore.


In the past, when you scrolled through your Liked Songs, you could see the month and year you added that song. I understand that on the desktop app, there is still a column you can see with the specific date you added the song, but I'm talking about the mobile app.


It's quite frustrating because very often I will have the urge to remind myself of what songs I was listening to in say 2020 August for example, without the need of opening up my desktop app to see. 


Weird thing is, in the main Your Library page before you click into Liked Songs, you can still see the month / year that pops up next to the scroll bar (I've attached an image). It's just that it doesn't show in Liked Songs anymore, and I don't understand why. @Spotify, please bring back this feature. There was no reason to remove it. 


Hey, around two months ago I started noticing the same thing. Mainly the date (month/year) next to the scroll bar in Liked Songs not showing. It's quite frustrating. There are many times when I want to go back and listen to songs I added from a specific period of my life, and I know the songs are there somewhere in my Liked Songs, but I can't find the specific songs from a specific month anymore. I understand you can still find the Date Added on the desktop app but it's really inconvenient to open that up when it used to show the month / year on the mobile app.

@Spotify what's the point of this change? Please bring it back. No one asked for it. It doesn't benefit anyone. Why are you taking away random features.

@MihailY "Still being tested"? It's now been 6 months. Why hasn't it been fixed yet? Bring back the month / year next to the scroll bar in Liked Songs. 

I have had Spotify for over 9-10years, I have been premium for 6 of those, we have had the ability to date scroll the liked songs since I started using Spotify. It was never a feature that was being tested, I have noticed it’s removal too, and it has infuriated me to the point because I have short-term memory loss and I cannot remember where I placed my music and I remember what music I listen to based on what dates and when I added it. It’s very rude that Spotify is hindering people with disabilities and then telling us it was a feature being tested. That’s very false. 

I love you all at Spotify, but please add this back. I pay my due every month for 6 years, and I want that feature back ASAP. It’s unacceptable to think we can’t sort through music that has helped us through traumatic times in life and yet I can’t remember when I added the song off of memory In the playlist, but I remember what month and year I added it. I.E my Covid Music, my Highchool and college music, and the breakup music. I say this with due respect, so I mean no offense in my comment. Thank you for your time reading. Have a wonderful day. 


Hey! Do you have any news? Please respond this question and stop ignoring issues. At least then we know that you're paying attention and possibly forward it to your technical teams.


It’s been 8 months and this issue still isn’t fixed?? Music holds memories and having a way to see the date while you scroll through your liked songs is a great way to relive those moments. So many people love this feature and it makes no sense why it suddenly disappeared? I asked my friends about this and only one of them still has it. Please bring it back, it was such a brilliant idea 😕

From what I can tell, only Android users still have it.

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