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Spotify suggesting **bleep** podcasts to my 13 year old child

Spotify suggesting **bleep** podcasts to my 13 year old child

My son has a Spotify account within our family subscription.


He and his friends listened to some inappropriate podcasts (not marked explicit so not filtered out).


We've tackled this behaviour with him, but his Spotify now promotes podcasts like "audio **bleep**" and "audio hot girls f**cking on his Spotify feed.


There doesn't appear to be any way to remove this, and searching through the help files people are just asked to upvote an idea.


This isn't appropriate. Spotify is actively promoting **bleep** to a child.


There must be a way to stop this, otherwise I think Spotify is likely to be on the hook for legal consequences, particularly with the UKs online harms bill in progress.


Please answer this question urgently.


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