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Offline tracks do not show up in "Albums" or "Artists"

Offline tracks do not show up in "Albums" or "Artists"



I have an iPhone 5 with iOS 8.02 and latest release of Spotify installed.  Since the upgrade, my available offline music does not show up in OFFLINE MODE under Albums or Artists.  I see everything in Songs but the Albums screen just shows the loading screen and under Artists everything is blank.


This is obviously extremely annoying as I don't want to cycle through a gigantic list of songs.


I've tried everything including login/logout, re-installing the app (which also made me have to re-download all the offline songs which took a solid 30 minutes).  Also, these issues are all nullified when I'm connected, but the second I go back to offline Albums and Artists disappear again.


Very frustrating as this was never an issue prior to the new release.



52 Replies

Soooo they released an update.

And this issue is still not fixed. Awesome.

I have cancelled my subsciption. In just a couple of months of being a premium subscriber, I have encountered a staggering number of technical issues. Just need to get this months fee refunded now.

Update fixed the issue for me 🙂

Really???  I installed the new updated, quit the app, restarted my phone and I'm still having the same issue.

Yep it works now. I'm on offline mode and if I exit and reopen app in ios8 album icons now appear (before they were all white) and I click on the album and the album songs now appear and can be played

This problem has not been fixed as far as I can see.


I've attached a screenshot of what I get when I try to access offline albums when on the London Underground (truly offline).


The Spotify app tries to connect & goes no further.


That feature alone was worth the £120 a year, so come on guys, this issue needs a proper bug fix asap.




This has gone on far too long now!

I have raised the issue via a contact form to spotify.

If not fixed soon, I will be cancelling my premium.

Btw. I'm using the app through an iPhone5.

Same problem here... I Think is time to cancel premium. =S

Can confirm I am seeing this on iOS (8) too.


Quite frustrating as couldn't listen to any offline playlists on a flight recently.

I face exactly the same issue.


these 3 dots blinking.


I can not accept this disruption as I am paying the premium fee uniquely to be able to listen to music offline.


After three days talking to spotify support they were able to reproduce this problem and recognize that there's a problem with the app.
They said developers will start working to fix this. So fingers crossed for the next update.
They suggest me to use playlists in the meanwhile, but there's no way I'm going to create a playlist for each album I want to hear offline.

Good news fscarpin - thanks for posting that update. I have been struggling with the help desk who seem to be very badly managed.


Now I will just sit tight and await the fix.

Me having that problem too.

Very frustrating.

Go online and offline again brings the albums back.

But they diappear again within a day or so.



I hate playlists, want to play albums

I am so close to cancelling premium. I almost exclusively listen to albums and pay for premium for offline use. I bought a 128GB phone with the purpose of filling the majority of it with all kinds of albums I am remotely interested in, but nope! Now of them show up when I need them to.

128 GB Awesome  And then you install a spotify update and all offline files have disappeared.

Hours of downloading again, what a waste of internet bandwith.

Do not update spotify, if you do not have a high bandwith internet available.


Im still getting this issue... how can they have this sort of service.. its A JOKE! 



I'm having the same problem too!  Let's hope they fix it!

I too am extremely close to canceling Spotify Premium, as well. In addition to not seeing my artists in offline mode, my app fails and closes when I try to send a song or album to other users. Unacceptable!!!!!!!

The whole reason I purchased premium was for the offline mode!!! I live in New York City and am regularly underground in subway transportation. Now I enter the trains and have to cycle through songs titles!!! No longer paying for this horribly mismanaged app.

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