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App crashes on Android, album/single covers not showing completely






Sony Xperia L2 H3311

Operating System

Android Version 7.1.1


My Question or Issue

Hello everyone!


Unfortunately I have experienced problems with the Spotify app for like 3 months and none of the posts on Spotify Community have helped so far.

All started with my first problem. Some album covers aren't showing properly. Sometimes half of the cover is just plain black, something 1/3. You can see it in the picture. 

This problem is definitely minor compared to the next one. The app crashes in nearly every instance. It crashes when I go to an album, to an artist page, it even crashes when I want to look at my saved albums. The only thing I can do without the app crashing is going to my playlists and the main page.

I tried restarting the app and my phone. I tried erasing the data of Spotify from my phone, deleting the app and re-installing it. The only thing I got from that is that I had to download all my songs again. 

I would be very grateful if someone else experienced this problem and got up with a solution. Thank you for reading and thank you for all answers.

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