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Spotify not scrobbling to when listening on Sonos

I have connected my Spotify account to my account here:

Scrobbling works perfect when

  • I'm listening to music with my smartphone (android) with the Spotify app
  • I'm listening to spotify with the webplayer on my notebook (Win 10)

The scrobbled songs appear immediately in my account.



If I listen to music via my Sonos system, the songs are NOT scrobbled. Even after 17 hours they don't show up in my profile.

I'm using Spotify Connect to switch between smartphone, Sonos and webplayer.

I have installed the latest Sonos App S1 on my smartphone and the app recognizes my spotify account.

Sometimes some of the missing songs show up, when i play a song on the smartphone or the webplayer after i played the songs on Sonos. But not always and not every song.


I know this has been an issue in the past, does anyone know whether this has been solved in the meantime?

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