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Airplay or DLNA push from android devices?

Hi Spotify and Community! 🙂


I've been a longtime user of Spotify on the iPhone, but have just bought a Samsung Galaxy S3 with Android 4.0.4. The feature I currently miss the most, is the possibility of playing music on my mobile device and pushing the sound via Airplay (or DLNA) to my stereo.I know you can just buy a bluetooth dongle, but really bluetooth is in so many ways not an optimal technology for music streaming.


Since Spotify has already implemented this feature on the iPhone, I don't understand why it is not also being implemented on Android? And NO, Airplay is not an Apple only technology. It is free to use, so it really ought to be implemented. It's fine if you wanna use DLNA push instead, as long as we get the possibility of controlling our Spotify music from our mobile devices, without having to turn on our computers or similar.


I hope you will be able to implement this feature in your current Android Preview app. Thanks a lot for a great product! 🙂



Thank you so much to the user Soady for the solution. Install the app AirSpot and everything works. So awesome! 🙂

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