Help Wizard

Step 1


Family Monthly????

Family Monthly????

No Contact Us, No Email, No Number.  Search FAQ and it points to a gd forum post that you can't see unless you have a gd account!!!!!


Family Plan Upgrade on (site) forces a yearly sub, I want monthly!! and costs!!!!



2 Replies

Hey there!


You can always get in touch with us via this contact form, on Twitter with the @SpotifyCares handle, or on our Facebook page.


We're afraid that at the moment Spotify Family is not available in Canada, but we'd recommend you check this out.


Hope this helps 🙂

Rogers is the worst cell provider in Canada. I am a bell customer. And because you are this far behind the times and non willingness to compete with Apple. I am cancelling my Spotify premium account and using apple family share.

It's too bad. I really like your service.

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