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Getting charged for Premium, account is still set to free

Getting charged for Premium, account is still set to free

My account somehow got messed up and is now under Free. I am still being charged for premium though it has no credit card information linked to my account. I would like to continue under premium but don't know how to get it back onto my account (even though I have been charged for it). I am paying for a service that I am not getting. This is both on my computer and on my phone. 


I have tried logging out and back in. My facebook nor my email has changed, I have no idea why this happened. I have been paying for premium since June with no problem, not sure why this is happening now. 


Sportify customer service s very unhelpful as no one has responded to the help form I submitted. 


Any help is greatly appreciated! 

2 Replies

Could you let us know the 8-digit case number from when you got in touch? It is normally in the subject line of the automated email reply you get when you get in touch.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Did your problem get resolved ? I am being charged for Premium for the past 7-8 months -- with exactly the same problem. No service. There is absolutely no clear way of getting in touch with customer support (is there one ?) and the account is set to free so I can't even disable it. I have asked my credit card company to dispute the charges and they offered to block spotify from charging me... A few months ago I'd have preferred resumption of service. but not sure any more.


thank you for any insight you can share. 

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