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Log in / Password Reset

Log in / Password Reset

Hello - when using my phone I use my Facebook login. That's a great feature. My problem comes when I try to log in from another device and DONT want to use my Facebook log in info.... I cannot remember what my username is and when I attempt to reset I am told that bc I am using my Facebook login I need to change there. Which is not possible. How can I find out what my log in ID is?<br><br>Here is what it says when I try. <br><br><br>Password Reset<br><br>It looks like you are using your Facebook credentials to log in to Spotify. To change your Facebook password go to your settings page at
2 Replies

If you use something other than your facebook login, you will actually connect to a new account and not your own account. The best option for you may be to disassociate your account from Facebook entirely. Was your account created with facebook? If not, you can disconnect it from facebook with a click but otherwise, it involves creating a new account and moving playlists, subscription etc over.


The accounts team will be delighted to help you. Just use the online contact form . If you get an automated response directing you back to the community or to the help pages, make sure to reply to it directly to speed things along.

If your account wasn't originally created via Facebook, your original username should be shown on your online overview (providing the accounts are connected):

If your account was set up via Facebook, you need to login with your numerical username and set a special device password to login without Facebook:

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