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Name is random numbers/facebook issue

Name is random numbers/facebook issue

A couple of weeks ago I disconnected my facebook from my spotify, not knowing that it would just change my name to a bunch of random numbers. I have tried reconnecting my account but nothing seems to work. I believe the issue has to do with re-connecting facebook to spotify but I can't figure out how to do it

5 Replies

Hey @ryanfkeenan,

At this time, there is no way to change your username, Spotify will hopefully add that feature soon. Hope this helps.



I know that I can't change my username, but if i connect my facebook to my account, shouldn't my display name just be the name associated with my facebook account? 

I would try using the Sign Out Everywhere button in Account Overview, then uninstalling and reinstalling the app, and then logging back in, with your Facebook account if that's what you want. Hope it helps!

I had the same problem and still can't figure it out even though I reactivated my old account- just so I could keep the username. Still don't know why you can't change your username voluntarily given that so many people want/try to do it

Hey all,

if you try what @ryanfkeenan sugested, you will not be able to use your current playlists, so I would suggest transfering your playlists from your old accont and create a new one using your facebook. 


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