Help Wizard

Step 1


One song repeating over and over again

One song repeating over and over again







Operating System



My Question or Issue

I am having an issue this morning with one song playing over and over again.  No matter which song I want to play in my libary, this one song keeps on playing.  I can't get it to skip.  I don't even have it in my libarary.   It's maddening!!!

1 Reply

Hi there @Vince758!
Is this icon on? Screenshot_5.png

If yes, click it again and it will turn off. If this solves your issue your done, but if it doesnt, here are some possibilities to why this could happen:

1. Glitch
-Maybe it's a glitch. You should try preforming a clean reinstall.


2. Hacked account, music being controlled by someone else
Follow these steps if you suspect your haccount is hacked:

    1. Open the password reset form in a private/incognito window, and choose a strong password you haven't used before.
    1. Go to your account page and click SIGN OUT EVERYWHERE.

I also strongly suggest you change the password for:

    • The email address associated with your Spotify account (e.g. with Gmail, Hotmail, etc.)
    • Any Facebook profile associated with your Spotify account. You can make sure you're the only one currently logged into your Facebook in your Facebook Settings, under Security and login > Where You’re Logged In.
    • Any service where you use the same password as Spotify.

Hope this helps, have a nice day! 🙂 

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