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PayPal direct debit issue

PayPal direct debit issue


I have contacted somone from spotify support staff through email and it was not that helpful.

Here is my case:

Since I ever started using spotify, I have payed with the direct debit option bank account, which means that PayPal automatically pulls money from my account and immdietly pays who ever I'm paying. One day I did not have enough money on my account, and it was time for the payment, I waited while they try to take the 10€ but they failed. Eventually they pulled 15€ instead of 10€ which was ok for me anyways (something as a penalty).

Later on, when I have more than enough money in my account Spotify notifies me that the could not take money from my account, and I had to contact them, the support asked me for my payment ID and things like that, I gave it to her, she cleared my subscription and asked me to subscribe again. I tried but then it said that "For this payment direct debit is not available. You can still complete the payment by adding a credit card to your PayPal account now."

I have been using this method for 6 months with spotify, and I have no other payment option. 

Check attachments for clarifications.

6 Replies

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Unfortunately, you have just been incredibly lucky until now. 

Spotify payments via PayPal have always "officially" required a debit/credit card to be attached to the paypal account (see the help page) but it appears for a period of time there must have been something wrong with the verification system!


The payments team who you are in contact with are the best people to get this sorted out if possible, so if you aren't happy with the last response just reply again.




Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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That is what the support agent told me.

The thing is, I don't own a credit or debit card, what should I do? ... I doubled checked with 2 friends who have spotify premium and they are actually using direct debit as well, I'm soo confused!!!

It might be worth trying to buy an online eCard for premium or buy a gift card from a local retailor, if available in your country. 

Check out this page for details.



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Not available in Germany 😞

Most germans do not own credit or debit cards, since evrything works with some card called EC card, but this doesn't work online, and a lot of german students use spotify, so the option should be working!

Since I double check with my friends, and they said its working with direct debit, there must be something wrong.

Thanks for your help by the way 🙂

This sounds a bit like a PayPal issue to me - have you tried contacting them?



Will try now

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