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Premium Account reverts to free

Premium Account reverts to free

We have just upgraded our virgin media big bundle and got Tivo. We pay Virgin media for spotify and have asked them why our spotify account is not longer working. They do not know and they say we need to contact Spotify. Help please.

2 Replies

Hi there! I recommend reaching out directly to Spotify Support. They can be reached through their Twitter Page @SpotifyCares or through the online contact form.

Make sure to check your inbox and junk folder for an email from Spotify. Once you get it, make sure to reply back right away, even if it says it's from a "no-reply" email. This will assign your case to a Spotify rep and you should hear back within 24 hours.


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I would ask Virgin for the username of the account they have upgraded for you as Spotify will most likely ask for it.

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