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Premium for Family - invites do not work

Premium for Family - invites do not work

Hi Spotify Community, can some one help me, please...

I have opened a Premium for Family account and invited my wife and 3 children.

The invites to family members do not all work. Of 4 invitations, 2 return messages:

1. One email is said to already being member of another Family group. However, when searching the email, Spotify says that the email is unknown, which is correct.

2. With the second email, Spotify claims that the email address holder does not have a profile in the same country as the inviting email account holder????



1 Reply

Hello @InaDyrdal!


Great to see you are taking advantage of the Family plan, however, I am sorry to hear you have come across some issues. 


I recommend contacting Support about this issue, you can do this via Twitter (@SpotifyCares) or on the online contact form.


They can look backstage into this issue - as it looks to be an account issue.


Hope this helps 🙂

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