Help Wizard

Step 1


Premium gone, playlists too

Premium gone, playlists too

User ( has been overwritten somehow with a blank new user.


Seems like a common issue, but none of the common solutions have worked for me.


Contact form just spams me an email telling me to look on the forums, where I began.


Please restore my user to its former glory, or at least stop charging me for a service I can no longer use.

4 Replies

Hey there! Welcome to the community!


Can you verify you don't have or do have premium here? Have you ever had or do have Facebook connected to your account? If you did, does logging in with your Facebook bring your account back? If you are still getting charged for premium, what's the email on the receipts that are getting emailed to you, hopefully it matches the one you are logging in with?

If your case is resolved, please click the 'Accept as Solution' button and add your kudos!

Hi Tom,


I am on the case.  I will reply back via one of your support emails.



@Calvin wrote:

Hi Tom,


I am on the case.  I will reply back via one of your support emails.



Woo! Go @user-removed! 😄 

If your case is resolved, please click the 'Accept as Solution' button and add your kudos!

Quick update.  I have replied back to 1336784.  Please let me know how you get on.



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