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Re: Spotify message icon missing

Re: Spotify message icon missing

Is there any way to access our old messages? I had a bunch of important info in there and now it's just gone! Thanks.

4 Replies

Hello @gwydon!


Please could you explain what you mean? I am a little confused ๐Ÿ™‚


-Thomas ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sure thing! It looks like the person-to-person messaging feature is gone. I had an inbox in Spotify with messages from friends and music that they had shared with me. I can't find those messages anywhere. Can you tell me how to access my inbox or get access to those messages? An export or other access point would be acceptable, too. There's some very important messages in there I need access to. Thanks!



Thanks for that. If you are on about the messaging system on this site here, you can access that by going to:


Hope this helps ๐Ÿ™‚



Thanks Thomas. No, I'm referring to the music app, not this site. The music app is where my messages were and I have no idea how to retrieve them, now. Any ideas?

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