Help Wizard

Step 1


Someone is using my account

Someone is using my account






Samsung Galaxy S10+

Operating System


My Question or Issue:


So, someone keeps using my account. How do i notice? Because while i am in the middle of a Metallica song it switches to Mexican music. Then i switch back again and it goes back to Mexian music. Back and forth a few times and I go to the website and log out from everywhere.

I have a password set for my account, but that doesn't seem to help one bit as a few days later the same thing happens again. Can we please, for the love of.., get 2-factor Authentication? 


2 Replies

Hi @mrsynth


Please, check this Support Article

If following the steps doesn't help, there's a contact form that you can use to reach Customer Service. 


I hope everything works out!

Hey @mrsynth also a couple of things you can try in addition is going to your services tab on your profile and removing ANY that may have access to your account. If your still having the issue, please feel free to reach out to Spotify’s Customer Support directly here

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