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Spotify Connect - Multiple Speakers/Devices

Spotify Connect - Multiple Speakers/Devices

When I am listening to music, it will randomly change song to something completely different such a Disney music, and it will say listening on device SM-G920F. I don't know who that is or what it is but it's becoming frustrating. If someone else is using my account I want them kicked off please. I pay for this service and I dont want anyone unauthorised hijacking it. Thank you.
7 Replies

Hey @Mattg91


I suggest you contact support so they can help you


If you get an automated reply email telling you to check the help section or the community, you need to reply back to it, even if it's from a no-reply address.


Support usually replies within 24-48 hours.


You can also tweet or DM @SpotifyCares on Twitter or send a message to Spotify Cares on Facebook.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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I just had the same happen to me. Was listning on Windows. Music suddenly stopped. I switch to Spotify and it's playing some weird German music I never heard about to a SM-G920F. Is someone accessing my account?!

I had this too! Logged onto my account on my phone and it said it was being used on a different device - 'iPhone'. Look on my playlists and they had created 2 playlists with indian music on...I went on to offline devices and kicked all devices off, including my phone and my sisters. Then changed the password. Following to see any more advice. 

I tweeted at and asked. They looked at my account and advised me to close my account and create a new one. Offered to transfer everything from my old account over to my new one... Not sure I want to do this yet, but if this keeps happening I definitely will.

Strange thing is, that I log on using my facebook, and there is no suspect activity on my facebook's security page. And I am on a encrypted closed WiFi-network. No clue how this is happening.

I've just tweeted them so hopefully they will offer me the same! So much hassle. This isn't the first social media platform of mine that I have had to change due to random people trying to access it. I don't pay money for it to be THAT easy for someone else to access my account!

This is my worry. How are they gaining access? It doesn't seem like they logged onto my account (it's tied to facebook). So how are they doing it? I am sure they are not on my WiFi either - so there must be a hole in Spotify somewhere. Maybe they can log onto a facebook-tied Spotify account without facebook?

If I create a new account, then what's to say it won't happen again?!

I haven't got my Spotify linked via facebook...not to my knowledge anyway. I log in through my username and password. So I've changed my password in hope this will sort it. I have not heard back from the Support account on Twitter yet though so who knows what's going on!

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