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Switch from Facebook Login to Spotify Account Login

Switch from Facebook Login to Spotify Account Login

Dear Spotify,


I originally created my Spotify account by logging in with Facebook, and I would like to change this. I no longer wish to use Facebook, and I am not keeping it just so that I can log into Spotify.  I am aware that I can sign up for a new Spotify account, however I cannot use the same email address and, again, I am not getting a new email address just so that I can log into Spotify.


So, I have tried changing my Facebook email address to an old one that I do not use anymore, and this is great. Facebook can use old unused email address, I couldn't care less. However, in Spotify, my account still shows my current email address.  If Spotify would update my account so that it also had the old email address, I could then forget about that account, and start fresh with my current email address.


Can Spotify help me with this please????


Thanks, Steve.

1 Reply

Hi Steve, welcome to the forums. 


The best way for us to help is via the contact form. We can confirm a couple security details and get you on your way. 

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