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Wrong Facebook account

Wrong Facebook account

my spotify shows a  friends face and fb name in my app. i have disconnected and reconnected fb several times , no dice

5 Replies

Hello  and welcome to the community!


Sometimes it can take up to 24 hours until name and picture changes. But have you tried logging out and in again and if that don't work a clean reinstallation?

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i use it on my ios device, but i did a clean install on windows, disconnected, logged on/off  etc. its been over 24 hours.

ok dont know if you did something, or just enuf time has passed, but it just changed.

happy its done, but why so difficult? the system needs some debuggery.

also get chromecast support!

Great to see that it changed! Don't really know why it takes so long time.

What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?

Check album availability here

I think it is down to Spotify trying to put minimal load on Facebook. It appears on only pull data from Facebook profiles once every 24 hours.

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