Help Wizard

Step 1


new premium account menber

new premium account menber

Hi There,


I just purchased the 30 days free trial period (which turns into a premium membership automatically after these 30 days). I filled in all my creditcard credentials and recieved a confirmation from Spotify (a receipt for my purchase)... although nothing happened afterwards in my spotify account.


Moreover by accident I purchased it for an old account of mine. So I want to cancel the premium upgrade for two reasons: 1. It doesn't work (not so bad as long as it indeed won't cost me money). 2. I want my other account to be upgraded to premium.


Would deleting my sort of older account be a solution??



2 Replies

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Since you are on a 30 day free trial and haven't been charged, the easiest thing to do is cancel your subscription on your old account. You can do this from your subscription pages.


Then, simply subscribe to the 30 day free trial again on your other account. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Thanks for your quick reply Peter.


It states that i'm a using a free subscription. And it has been stating that the whole time; also after I upgraded the account and gave them the authorization to use my credit card for that. So they could still claim a buying intention. 


But let me be clear I don't want that. Therefore, and since this old account has no use at all, I already requested a termination/deletion/removal of the account. In return I'll upgrade the other account and hope for the best that will actually work this time.



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