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new/returning member question about account usage

new/returning member question about account usage

hello spotify community,



maybe a bit fo a strange question but i have started using spotify again yesterday as i think i used it when the library was alot smaller and this time i have signed in via my facebook login details.


Due to not having the greatest of memorys i would likely of used the same username and password sequance when i registered originally.....


but my question is does the fact ive logged in via my facebook account if this being my first time using spotify allow me some unlimited streaming allowance as yet i have had no adverts or anything and i have not register for a free premium period as i have not entered any card details, or if this is a already previously inactive spotify account of mine that i have just signed back into will the stream limit have accumulated over the period i have not used spotify for.....?


and is there anyway to see my stream timer...?

1 Reply

If you never connected your old spotify account to Facebook, you are now considered a new user. You can use Spotify for free for six months, then you will get a 10 hour per month limit. If you're in the UK or France, you also get a 5 plays per track limit.


You will get ads all the time though, unless you sign up for the premium trial.

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