Help Wizard

Step 1


Download local files - free account

Download local files - free account



It's been a while since I've used spottify, since It didn't synced my local files. I recenly decided to try it again, but still without any luck.

Now i know about the free shuffle option, but my question (or suggestion?) remains:


On a FREE user account, is it posible to DOWNLOAD my local files from my pc to my android phone so I can listen to them OFFLINE?


If not, why not?


Simply selecting a playlist with local files only and manually sync it with my phone does not work. It keeps asking me if I want to go premium.


Since this is the only reason I use the app on my phone, I would realy like this to work (again).


With kind regards.

1 Reply

I don't think you can download anything with the free version..

Why? Don't know.. But why should it? Spotify is not a music-sync tool..


What you want you can manage with Google Play Music.

You can upload (there's a sync tool) 20k songs for free to Google Play Music and play them online or offline.

Or you can just copy the music to your phone and skip all the services.


Spotify is a wonderfull service but not for what you want it to do 🙂

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