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Incorrect lyrics

Incorrect lyrics

Dear Spotify Team,


I‘m writing to report an error in 陶喆's album "陶喆同名專輯" on Spotify. I've noticed that the lyrics order for two songs, "十七歲" and "王八蛋" is incorrect. When I play "十七歲", the lyrics displayed are actually from "王八蛋", and vice versa. 


As a huge fan of 陶喆, I believe that it is important to have accurate song lyrics, and this error could be confusing for listeners who rely on the lyrics to understand the meaning of the songs. I kindly request that you take immediate action to fix this issue and ensure that the correct lyrics are displayed for these two songs.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best Regards,


3 Replies



Thanks for posting in the Community and welcome.


We really appreciate the time you took to write this to us. If you noticed wrong lyrics displayed when playing a song on Spotify, we'd recommend reaching out to the provider of the lyrics, which you can find by scrolling to the bottom of the lyrics on a song. 


In the case of those songs, we noticed Musixmatch is the provider. You can contact them via their report form. Since they're the ones who provided the lyrics in this case, they can update them.


If you need anything else, the Community is here for you.


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As stated in the title, for the song "Zwick's mi - österr. Originalversion" from Wolfgang Ambros, the lyrics are incorrect.

The lyrics are from the german version of the song, not the austrian one.

The lyrics are correct on musixmatch and were last edited one year ago, so there'd be plenty of time to correct that.

Where would I report such an error? Maybe they thought its the same song or something like that?

Thanks in advance;
Max S.

Some Roch Voisine songs are showing the wrong lyrics.

Here are the Roch Voisine songs that show the wrong lyrics.


Here are the images that I posted:




Should I report it?

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