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Share downloads folder with Windows / Linux dualboot

Share downloads folder with Windows / Linux dualboot


I came accross this post recently that corresponds to my request.
There are other posts but without any relevant information that could help me - that's why I'm making this post.

My Offline downloads have gotten pretty huge lately - about 40GB "High" quality downloads. However, my Linux partition is only 200GB, and having a little more headroom could be great.
I have the exact same playlists downloaded on Windows, with the exact same download folder size.

Could it be possible to bind the Windows downloads folder to Linux in order to share the Download library?


Operating System

ArchLinux / Windows 11

7 Replies

I don't have a problem with linking the folders yet.

just make the directory [windows_home]/Spotify and move the download folders there from within the spotify apps.

Does this work for you? I've already tried this and had no luck - In fact, linking the download folder between two native Linux installations of Spotify (AUR and Flatpak) don't work either.

it does say it needs to download the titles, but 2GB in 10s is way to fast for a 10MB/s lane + folder size stayed the same, so I guess it was just checking availible titles?

note the linux spotify version will pretty sure have the same storage managment.

in case your issue is another, what is it? 80 GB folder?


I don't how playlist "updates" work (yet).

Ah, I can't really speak for that unfortunately.

I've got a ~60ish GB download folder that got downloaded in about 5 minutes - though I have a 1Gbps connection, and an NVMe Gen 4 SSD. I just don't like having to potentially download everything again and in case I have to go offline (which happen sometimes), lose the checking ability (if it exists) because I'm not online. I'd rather entirely skip the "download" step.

well, i think the problem is that spotify stores the titles in the download folder, but the playlists as a "list" in the app itself.

so it only has to check if it has already downloaded the file, but shows the download prompt.

I don't think it stores titles double, so i think you have to live with it.

I  found that if the file system is mounted read-only then spotify will fallback to .cache/spotify/storage.

I solved that problem by making a symlink from .cache/spotify/storage to /windows/Users/name/spotify


also I had time to observe the 'download' process. I didn't see any big Internet usage during the 'download', so if yes, it's only kb's.

Huh, that's a good thing to know.
Though, that still wouldn't work upon rebooting when offline?
That's a thing that happens often for me, I mostly use Windows offline - and I'm experiencing frequent downtimes from my ISP lately.
Thanks for the information anyway, that will help a lot!

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