Help Wizard

Step 1


Enable menu / title bar option is missing

Enable menu / title bar option is missing

The Menu / Title bar is missing from the Windows desktop app. I am running it on a PC, not a mobile device so no need for this option to be hidden. Now it is less convenient to click into these menus.


Please add an option to re-enable this functionality as it is much more useful for some users to still have it, rather than be forced to use it as if we are using it on a tablet.

2 Replies

Hey @kornfan2007


That sounds like a good idea so I'd post it in the ideas section. If other people think it's a good idea and give it kudos.


In the mean time, if it's a deal breaker, you could always uninstall the windows app and install the desktop app by click on the link on this page.


Hope this helps!


Going back to desktop app doesn't help, because the lastest win10 desktop app version also features the terrible new three-dot-no-titlebar-fugly-LOTS of unused space interface. I tried to roll back to older versions many times because of this, but the autoupdates seem to be unavoidable now. This feeling of Spotify not giving the user any interface customization options and taking over control of the behavior of my device relly pisses me off, seriously thinking about leaving Spotify.

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