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Playlist Not Fully Loading in WebPlayer

Playlist Not Fully Loading in WebPlayer

I've seen posts with identical issues dating back years but none of the solutions that seemed to work periodically for others have not worked for me. I have a long playlist (about 400 songs) and it won't load fully, only about the first 100 or so songs and then I get a swirling circle incinuating it's loading but never does. I have the latest version of Chrome (70) on a Windows 7 Professional OS. I've also tried logging out, clearing my history/cache/cookies and logging back in and that didn't fix anything. This is my work computer so I can't download the desktop app and have to stick with Chrome. 

1 Reply

Hey there @MattEmond 🙂

Actually this seems to be a known issue which is under investigation right now. You can read more about it and get the updates here 

Keep rocking and have a nice day ^^

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