Help Wizard

Step 1


Can't change my email

Can't change my email

I have an Spotify account with my Yahoo email. 

Later I connected my Spotify to my Facebook account which has my Gmail as primary email.

Now I don't use that Yahoo email anymore, and I want to change my Spotify email to my Gmail.

There is NO way I can do that, and I get this msg that I can't change email to gmail,

because someone has an account already with that email (apparently myself, throw my facebook)

I have tried many things, and read many msgs here as much as I could follow.

Please help!! 😞

2 Replies

Hi. Spotify uses your primary facebook email address and that is what should be showing in your account profile. It should also say there that you can change you email address in facebook. 

Thanks jwylot

With your solution I could change my email to my facebook email (

But yet I can't change my email in Spotify, DiRECTLY to (
although I will still hopefully recieve spotify emails in my gmail inbox, since it's my primary facebook account email.

So my problem is solved, somehow in a non-direct way.

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