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Spotify Chart for Bangladesh

Dear Spotify Community,


I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to express my enthusiasm for Spotify and to suggest a feature that I believe would greatly benefit users like myself.


I've been a loyal Spotify user for 3 years and have always appreciated the platform's dedication to providing a top-notch music streaming experience. However, I've noticed that one feature seems to be missing – a comprehensive Spotify chart for Bangladesh.


A Bangladesh Spotify chart would not only add an exciting element to the platform but also serve as a valuable tool for Bangladeshi Spotify users to discover new music and trends. It could include weekly or monthly rankings of the most-streamed songs, albums, and artists, as well as genre-specific charts to cater to diverse musical preferences.

I believe that such a feature would not only enhance the user experience but also foster a stronger sense of community among Bangladeshi Spotify users. It would provide a platform for discussions, recommendations, and celebrations of our favorite music.

I understand that implementing new features requires time and resources, but I sincerely hope that the Spotify team will consider this suggestion. I'm confident that a Bangladesh Spotify chart would be well-received by the community and contribute to the continued success of the platform.


Thank you for considering my suggestion. I look forward to hearing the thoughts of fellow community members and Spotify moderators on this matter.


Best regards,
Abantika, a Army and Bangladeshi Spotify user


Yes please. We hope Spotify considers this idea.Thank you.


We hope Spotify consider this


Yes, please!!


Please consider giving us a chart, we really deserve one in Bangladesh 




Good luck, ARMYs! 💜


We want Spotify chart in Bangladesh 


We Want Spotify Chart For Bangladesh Region


 We want Spotify chart in Bangladesh


We definitely need this feature soon!! Every country with spotify has it. So we want it too. We use spotify on regular basis. So it would be great to have our own country chart.